Chapter 22

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*Josh's POV*

I woke up in the middle of the night caused by Harry slightly shaking. I sat up and looked over at Harry. He was setting out soft sobs. He was crying in his sleep, this poor kid. "Harry," I said nudging him, he continued to cry. "Harry, what's wrong?" Still no reply. I guess he wasn't aware that he was crying. Instead, I lied down on my back and pulled him into my chest, rubbing small circles on his back trying to calm him down. After about 10 minutes of me rubbing his back, he stopped crying.

Morning rolled around and Harry was still asleep on my chest. I checked the time and it was 7 a.m on a Saturday morning. "Harry," I was slightly pushing him of my chest. "Wake up."

"Mmm no," he groaned and stuffed his face in the pillows.

I know what would wake him up. I stood up on the bed and started jumping while yelling, "Wake up!" Harry just pulled himself over the covers. I got off the bed and ripped the covers off of him exposing his body to the cool air. He still refused to get up, stuffing his face back into the pillows. "You're being difficult right now." I told.

"I don't care, let me sleep."

I walked out of his room and went to the bathroom. I filled a cup up with ice cold water and walked back into Harry's room. "Harry," I said sternly, "I'm going to ask you one more time to get out of bed."

"Screw off." He mumbled.

I grinned and walked over to him. "Okay then." I said. I poured the cup of water on him and he instantly jump out of the bed yelling incoherent words. I couldn't help but laugh at him. "Don't be mad now. I asked you nicely but you kept refusing." Harry was still shaking, "F-fuck you." He said with his teeth chattering.

"Hey, is it okay if Andrew and Niall come over today?" I asked.


"Okay, go shower while I prepare breakfast for us." I said and he grabbed a fresh pair of clothes and went to the bathroom.

*Harry's POV*

The shower was well needed, especially after Josh had poured a cup of ice cold water on me. After my shower I decided to wear sweats, and a t-shirt that was a plain maroon color. I walked out and was instantly taken away by the smell of the delicious good cooking. I walked down the stairs and heard multiple voices, not only Josh's. I walked into the kitchen and was greeted with a Hug from the Niall and a simple wave and smile from Andrew. "What's cooking? Smells absolutely amazing." I asked Josh.

"Eggs, bacon, and pancakes," Josh said without turning around." I made extra because Niall and Andrew were coming over. You remember them? From French."

"Of course I do, nice to meet you lads." I said smiling towards both of them.

"I really like your hair, it's curly and bouncy." Andrew said all of a sudden and started playing with my hair. "Sorry I just love playing with people's hair, does this bother you? If so, I'll stop."

"Thanks mate, and no I don't mind. I like your hair color, is it naturally black?" I asked.

"Yeah, some people think I've dyed it black, but no, it's natural."

Andrew continued to play with my hair while Niall watched Josh cook, almost drooling because of how good the food looked and smelled. "Alright everyone, I'm done cooking." Josh said as he took off the cooking apron. "Can you set the table please?" We all rushed to set it up because of how hungry we were. Once the table was set we all started to dig in.

My mum walked downstairs all dressed up for work. "Morning Harry." She said smiling to me. "Josh," she gave him a smile and nod. "Who are these boys?" She asked looking at Niall and Andrew.

"This is Andrew," I said pointing at Andrew. "And this is Niall," who was still eating but waving hello to my mum.

"Alright, I'll be home later around 7 dear," she came over and kissed me on the cheek. "If you go out tonight, just give me a call." And with that she walked out the door.

We all went back to eating when there was a knock at my door. "I'll get it, probably just my mum forgetting something." I left the table and went to the door and when I opened it, I couldn't believe who was standing there.


(Okay so here a chapter! :) I'm close to 1K reads you guys! 😭 okay I had fun writing this chapter, I don't know. Comment and vote my friends :) )

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