Chapter 15

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*Harry's POV*

His question made my stomach twist and turn and get this amazing feeling. I wish the answer to his question was yes, but it wasn't.

"No, we aren't." I said with a sigh.

"Okay I see." He said.

He was good looking, but not like Louis.

Josh and Mary stayed for a while. Josh and I got to know each other a little more, and he was there his freshmen year and turns out, he's bisexual, but never had a relationship with a guy, he just knows he has an affection towards boys.

We went downstairs and all four of us ate dinner together. We had small conversations but it was mainly my mum and Mary talking. I offered to wash the dishes since my mum made dinner.

When we were all finished I got to work with the dishes and Josh offered to help but I declined. He was the guest so I wouldnt let him. He just stood there talking to me about school and himself. He was a nice, sweet guy. When he turned around I sprayed him with water and he turned back around with a surprised look on his face, "What was that for?!"

"What? I didn't do anything." I said innocently.

I could hear him chuckling and when I turned to look he had a grin on his face.

After I finished I went upstairs with Josh following behind. Once we were in my room we just put on a movie. We both sat on my bed but I sat on the other side away from him. He gave me a puzzled look but just dropped it. The movie was good but Josh decided to talk to me. "Sooo... Harry.." He dragged on the 'o' sound.

"Yes?" I questioned.

"So are you gay, or bi?" He asked scooting a little closer to me.

"Why does it matter?" My eyes widening at how the question.

He kept scooting toward me until he was right next to me.

"Well because you're cute." He said finally turning to look at me.

I turned and I was surprised at how close he was I tried scooting back but I was already at the edge of the bed so I fell on the floor with a loud thud. I looked up at Josh and he was laughing to himself. He helped me to my feet and it didn't take long for him to ask me another question, "Why are you so nervous?"

I was at a loss for words. Somebody else was taking interest in me, the first being Louis but he didn't confirm if he liked guys or not, but Josh did.

I was too into my thoughts that I didn't feel the warm lips that were pressed onto mine, it took me a while to process what was happening and when I did, I pushed Josh off. It didn't feel right because I had feelings for Louis.

As soon as I pushed him off I looked towards the door that was now open with Louis standing there, with a sad look in his sapphire blue eyes.

(So drama? I crave it and here it is! Well at least the start of it. Well comment and vote! Follow me on Twitter: @lanaxstylinson)

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