Chapter 6

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*Harry's POV*

I got to school and the school was pretty hectic, all of the students outside roaming around and chatting with their friends, and then there was me, all by myself.

I was looking around the school and I finally saw Louis. He was talking to some girl. I pulled my phone out to stop the music from playing and when I looked back at Louis, the girl was gone. As I looked at him, he was looking right back at me and our eyes met, locking on to each others gaze for a few seconds. Then he started to walk towards me. I couldn't help but feel nervous as he was getting closer to me.

*Louis' POV*

Our eyes are still locked on to each other. I finally come up with the decision to walk up to him. As I am making my way towards I can see the expression on his face become nervous, scared even. Maybe he thought I was going to beat him up since he ignored me yesterday, but I would never do that, not to him.

"Hey Harry." I say as I finally approach him.


"You look nice this morning, I like your outfit. It matches." I can see him blushing. He couldn't help but smile and his dimples were popping out now.

"Thank you." He replies timidly.

"Look, you don't have to be intimidated by me. I'm your friend." Or at I least I hope we were.

"Alright," He looks as if he doesn't know what to say. "Err.. Ill see you in French."

"See you then." I reply smiling.


I walked into history and I already see Zayn calling for me to sit next to him. He looked like he drank too much coffee this morning because he was full of energy.

"Hey Louis! How are you this morning?"

"Tired, I wish I stayed at home, in bed."

"I'm not. I'm filled with energy!" He says almost shouting.

I started to space out, or maybe I was falling asleep. My eyes were getting heavier and everything was going black. Right when I was about to fall asleep, Zayn woke up me with a question.

"So what's up with Harry? He was pretty quiet yesterday, didn't talk much."

"Well, he's new to the school, what do you expect? I brought him to a table with 3 seniors that he doesn't know." I snapped back, sounding a bit harsh.

"Yeah you're right, I'll try talking to him in lunch."

"Just be nice to him. Don't be too obnoxious."

Our conversation ended when the bell rang and our teacher walked in. It was only the second day of school so he was just telling us the class procedures and supplies. I didn't bother to listen, I just spaced out.

*Harry's POV*

I was in choir and the class consisted of talented singers. There were freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and seniors in my class. Everybody was getting to know each other. A few people came up to me and introduced themselves to me, but I forgot their names already. The teacher came in and everyone settled down.

"My name is Mrs. Garcia. I hope this year will be fun and we all have fun! To start off, I would like to hear you guys match my pitch." The teacher said. She sang an A note and then pointed to all of us to match pitch. When we were all trying to match pitch, I heard low pitches and high pitches. But when we all got it, it sound pretty nice.

"Excellent! Tomorrow I will see which group you guys get into."

The bell rang and I made my way to my second period class, science. I've never really liked science, I wasn't that smart at it. I did like doing science experiences though, so I had something to look forward to. Other than that, science class was such a bore.


*Louis' POV*

I checked the time and only thirty more seconds until French class and I could see Harry.

The bell rang and I practically ran out of the class room.

(Another short chapter, but hey double update! Vote and comment! Send me feedback and follow me on Twitter! :) @lanaxstylinson I'll try to update soon!)

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