Chapter 21

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*Harry's POV*

I was glad that Josh came over, my mum was leaving to go out with Mary so Josh would be home alone, why not just have him over. My mum even said he could spend the night.

I felt bad for Louis, but at the same time, I didn't. It was a Friday night so he was probably going to get drunk or have sex with Lisette. Screw both of them. If I were a girl, I would beat the living hell out of her.

"I'm glad you're spending the night." I told.

"It'll be fun, but don't worry, I won't try anything." Josh said grinning. "Especially since what happened last time."

We ended up watching movies the whole night. Our moms were out pretty late so I cooked us up some dinner: Chicken Alfredo pasta.

"This is amazing!" Josh said throughout spoons of noodles. "You're a great chef Harry!"

"Thanks Josh." I couldn't help but smile.

We we're getting ready for bed and Josh offered to sleep on the floor. Falling asleep wasn't an easy thing to do. I was still upset. "Josh?" I asked, wondering if he was still awake.

"Mmhmm?" He mumbled.

"C-can you sleep next to me tonight?" I asked nervously. "I hate trying to fall asleep when I'm upset, I never can."

"Okay," Josh said as he got up from the floor. "Scoot over." He came in the bed next to me and I felt him wrap his arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him, me becoming the small spoon.

I felt comfortable. "Thanks," I mumbled.

"No problem, now get some sleep," he said still sounding groggy, "Goodnight Harry."

"Goodnight," I said, finally falling asleep.

*Louis' POV*

All I could think about was Harry and the way I made him cry in lunch today. It was the middle of the night and I couldn't fall asleep. I shouldn't feel bad, he's the one who kissed someone else, that person being Josh.

(Alright, Josh coming in bed sleeping next to Harry was like someone trying to comfort their best friend, and plus, Harry asked him to. Louis and Harry will be together soon enough, slowly but surely. It is Larry fan fic, duh. Okay sorry it's short but shutup and read. Comment/vote!)

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