Chapter 16

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*Louis' POV*

Twitter: @lanaxstylinson


I knew Harry had guests over, but I decided to come over and meet them as well. I drove to his house and parked in front of it. I walked up to the door and knocked on it waiting for Harry's mum to answer. Instead, another lady opened it and then looked back inside and called for Harry's mum. When she saw me, she smiled and I asked, "Hi Mrs. Styles, is Harry here?"

"Yeah, he's upstairs with Josh, and call me Anne."

"That's right, he told me you had guests over," I turned my attention to the lady next to Anne. "Nice to meet you, my name is Louis." I said while reaching my hand out for her to shake.

"Pleasure, call me Mary." She said while shaking my hand.

"Come in Louis, go ahead to Harry's room." Anne told me.

I made my way upstairs to Harry's room and noticed that the door was cracked open. I heard a loud thump on the floor as if someone fell. I peaked through and saw Josh helping Harry to his feet, all of a sudden, I saw Josh lean in for a kiss and his lips met Harry's. I pushed the door open and they still were kissing.

I could feel my heart drop on the floor, my eyes getting watery, but I kept the tears in.

Harry pushed Josh off but still, it took him a while to do so, he didn't push him right when they kissed. Maybe he enjoyed the kiss, that's why he didn't push him off right away.

When Harry pushed him off, he looked at me, with wide eyes and said, "Louis, please..."

I just stood there, not with a feeling of anger and fury, but with sadness and despair.

(Short chapter but it was just a filler from Louis' POV. Next chapter should be a drama filled! As always, comment/vote!)

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