Chapter 24

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*Louis' POV*

"Harry, he's constantly on my mind. I always think about him. I know we barely met but we've hung out a couple of times, but I know I have a certain feeling for him. I love everything about him, his curly hair, his green eyes, his smile. But what I love most is his timidness, he's so content with himself, each time we talked he was very shy and was very unsure of what to do. When I hung out with him he was scared to make a move, so I always did. I let him fall asleep on my lap. I let him cuddle up to my side on the Ferris wheel because he is terrified of heights, I even called him cute, trying to give him a hint. His innocence and shyness draws me towards him. He blushed after I every time I talked to him. He looked so adorable the first day. I saw him kiss Josh when I came over one day and I completely broke it, he tried explaining but I ran out, I didn't give him a chance to explain. He's been ignoring me since. I asked Lisette out just because I felt something empty in my heart. I may be in a relationship with Lisette but I'm not happy, it doesn't feel right. He's the one I want."

"Then why don't you go get him?" Zayn asked.

"Like I said, he's been ignoring me since." I said with a sigh.

"Don't make that stop you." Liam said. "It's barely the afternoon on a Saturday, Zayn and I are gonna drive you to his house right now so you can confess your feelings to him." Liam got up along with Zayn. "Go change real fast." They told me that they would wait in the car. I quickly ran upstairs and pulled on blue skinny jeans and a plain white t-shirt, exposing the tattoos on my arms. I looked in the mirror and I didn't want to fix my hair in a quiff, I just let it fall across my forehead swiped it the the right.

I run outside and get In the back seat. I tell Liam the directions to Harry's house and I'm anxious to get there. I couldn't stop shaking my leg. I was so nervous that I didn't know what to say. Before I know it we were arriving to Harry's flat. I held my breathe, I didn't know what to do.

"Go on," Liam encouraged. "You want us to wait?"

"No, my flat is a few places down, I'll walk home after. Thanks for helping me you guys." I smiled while getting out the car, "I'll let you guys know what happens."

They drove off and I was left there, at his doorsteps. I walked up to the door and just stood there for a while. I was so nervous, my knees were about to give out. I took slow deep breathes, and then I knocked on the door, knock, knock, knock. I waited for a while. Each minute that passed I grew more and more nervous. Soon I heard faint footsteps coming from the other side of the door. The knob twisted and the door opened. Harry looked at me with a confused look. The sight of him made all of my nerves go away. "Louis wh-"

Before he could finish what he was saying, I pulled him outside and crashed my lips onto his. The feeling of his soft, smooth lips relaxed me and he soon relaxed into the kiss, kissing me back.

I didn't want to pull my lips away, but I did. I rested one hand on the back of his neck and the other wrapped around his lower back, keeping him close to me. I looked into those green emerald eyes and just stared at him.

"Harry, I miss you. I miss your eyes, your lips, your smile, your dimples, the way you blushed," As soon as I said that he blushed. "God you're so adorable, please give me a chance, not to be your friend, but your boyfriend. We may have spent little time together, but Every moment we spent together I wish we could re-live them. From the time I went over to your house and we watched movies and you fell asleep on me, the way I carried you to your room, you're so adorable when you're asleep, the way you hug a pillow as if its someone and the way you curl up into a ball. Our first date was perfect, everything about it was perfect, I gave you my jacket because you were cold. When we were on the Ferris wheel and you were scared so I wrapped my arm you to comfort you, you relaxed into my side and gave me warmth, oh how I miss your warmth. Asking Lisette out was just to try to get over you, but I can't, you're all I think about, I can't get you out of my mind, and I don't want to. Before I go to sleep and when I wake up, you're on my mind. You're so irresistible. I miss you."

I looked into his eyes after all of that. He looked down, then looked back up at me, our eyes meeting.

"I missed you too, I couldn't sleep at night, sometimes I cried myself to sleep, I know I sound like a baby." He looked back down.

I lifted his chin up so he could look at me. "You're not," I pecked his lips and then pulled away. We stood there still with our bodies close to each others.

Harry looked at me and said, "So you want to be more than friends?"

I smiled at him and asked, "Will you be my boyfriend?"

"Yes," he leaned in and kissed my lips, our lips were fit for each other, like two puzzle pieces. He pulled back, "I'd love to." Pecking my cheek once more.

I finally got him back, and this time not as a friend, but as a boyfriend, my boyfriend.

(Surprise! Bet you guys didn't expect me to update again huh? it's about fucking time that Louis came to his senses. I really loved this chapter, hope you guys do too! Their song irresistible is perfect for this Chapter, if it doesn't play here, go play it on YouTube while reading this :) Comment and vote 😈)

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