Could it be?

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Kyle's POV

I knocked on the door sheepishly. I

knew as soon as I walked in there I was gonna be gossiped about and penalized for being late. Talk about double issues. Mrs.Combs opened the door with a click. She greeted me and Sky with the nasty hag look she wears everyday to scare us, but to me she just looks ridiculous.

"I assume you're Mr.Gray." She said scowling at Sky. She turns to me and scrunches up her nose. "And Mr.Cox so it begins, the repetitive actions of coming to my class late is no longer humorous. I am not pleased nor am I smiling." I rolled my icy blue eyes. "You never smile" I thought to myself. She was a sorry excuse for a teacher. All she did was talk about how young people today are nothing but "low down dirty delinquents that will stay with their grandparents for the next 20 years" talk about taking it to a whole new level. She turned on one foot and walked to her desk back inside the classroom. I walked in and made my way to the back. Sky strutted in like he was the Tin Man on the Wizard of Oz down the yellow brick road. I sat down and glared at him as he did his walk. I chuckles slightly. "He really is character." I thought to myself.

Some kids laughed at him as he walked in goofing off. Everyone was amused except Mrs.Combs. She displayed a face of confusion and frustration. Sky slid into a seat in the front of the room and beamed at the board as if he was a student ready to learn. Mrs.Combs twirled to the board writing the date. Sky turned back and winked at me. I made a confused expression. What did he want?

Mrs.Combs turned her attention back to the class and patted her yardstick in her left hand. "As you all have probably noticed, we do have a new student here in our class. His name is Skylar. I do recommend that you show him the utter most respect." She said with a straight face. "Any of those who don't, will have to deal with me, in detention sweeping floors." She said smiling a bit.

The class rolled their eyes and sucked their teeth in response. When the hell did god make her a prophet? I slid down in my seat as some guys stared at me trying to hold in a laugh. They whispered and turn their attention back to her. I fiddled with my pencil ignoring them. I was sick of this school and the idiot people in it. "Now let's turn our textbooks to page 628."

Rebellious and NeglectedOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz