The Courtyard

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******Happy soon to be New Year You guys! Enjoy the part!******

William's POV

I walked down the halls, ready for whatever exam Mr.Ross would throw my way. I grabbed my science text book and made my way to the C hall. "Hey Nutter." I heard somebody call. There's only one person who calls me Nutter. Stephen. Him and his companions headed my way, no books in hand. The hall was clearing. I looked around for any sign of Kyle or Bloo. The coast was crystal.

"So, how's our little plan working out?" He asks grabbing a brown bag out of his pocket. "Quite efficiently........" I said. It was the truth. Everything was going as planned. Only 2 more weeks of being friends with Kyle and I would get a quarter of my tuition. Bloo......would the be rest. "Looks like you're not so bad man. They won't ever see it coming." Stephen says looking at his friends who were slapping hands behind him.

I sighed, disappointed in myself. This wasn't me. I was cruel and snobby sometimes, but I'd never truly hurt anyone. "I must be honest with you Stephen, I'm not proud of this." Stephens face drops into a pissed glare. "I don't give a shit what you think Nut, this is my field and you're the goalie. That means you better catch whatever the fuck is being thrown at you." He says stepping close. I look up unmoved by his anger. I wasn't gonna be afraid unless he hit me.

"You honestly think those freaks deserve to walk these halls? With me around? You must have a few screws missing from your head." I hold my books close and we glare at each other. He grabs his backpack and slings it over his shoulder, keeping an eye on me till he backs off. "I better get what I want Willy, or you're gonna be the next thing I purposely beat the shit out of. Got it?" I stare at him as he walks away with his friends. What have I gotten myself into. The bell sounds over the intercom. Great, late again.


I walk out of the classroom with my head hung low. I was gonna hurt people that had been nice to me from the beginning. And it was all for money. Money that I have, but refuse to spend. Of all the the ill conceived things I've done, this has to be the worst.

I walk out to the court yard to clear my cluttered and at the moment devious mind. I watch people laugh and goof off on the green, wishing I were that happy as well. I look over to my surprise I see Bloo curled up next to a tree writing in a journal with headphones in his ears. He had on a long sleeve oversized cartoon sweater and skinny jeans, looking adorable as usual. I take a deep breath and get up to go over to him. There's no use of snubbing him.

I walk up and shadow over him. He looks up, with his blue eyes in curiosity. "Hey Willy." He waves smiling. I force a smile, trying to hide my emotions. I sit down next to him, and strangely feel tranquility. He had that effect on me.

"What are you doing?" I ask, watching his write. He purses his lips letting his dimples show. "Just writing a description for something." He says shrugging. "Description for what?" He blushes slightly. "It's a picture I drew."

"Can I see?" I ask eagerly. Bloo looks down. "It-It's not that good I just was....doodling." I suck my teeth and chuckle. "Oh c'mon just let me see." Bloo shakes his head moving it's away. "Mmm mmm!" He says with his mouth closed. I hold my hands up. "Alright fine."

Minutes pass until Bloo believes it's safe to set his journal back on his lap. "I guess I'll just have to get it out of you." I say smiling evilly. Bloo looks over scared, moving the book away. A shriek of laughter emerges from him as I get on top of him and pierce my fingers in his stomach.

"Wait! Wait! Ok ok! STOP! PLEASE!" He says trying to push me off. I didn't listen. "I'm sorry I can't hear you Bloo!" His sleeve covered hand push at my stomach trying to push me off. "Willy please! Ok ok! You c-can see it! Jus-Just stop!" He says out of breath.

I grave the journal and get off of him. Flipping through my eyes widen in amazement. There were drawings of illusions, cartoons, people and logos. The one he was working on had a array of colors and depictions of design. He had some real talent.

"These-these are amazing." I said laughing. Bloo sits up and holds his knees to his chin. "I know their silly, you don't have to sugar coat shit." He says, burying his face. I shake my head. "No no, I'm serious. You're really good!" I look over at him. He lifts his head up. "Honestly?" He says lifting an eyebrow in sarcasm. I close the journal. "Honest." I say shrugging. "I don't think so." He says biting his sleeve.

"Why not? I don't understand." I say looking through it still. "I'm not good at anything. I can barely understand things in class. Everybody calls me a faggot. If I didn't have the friends I have now, I would probably never get any. I'm just.......kinda....worthless around here." I crawl over to him and take his sleeve from his mouth.

"Somebody as amazing, sweet and considerate as you shouldn't think of yourself any less then who you really are.....fucking perfect." He looks up at me with tears brimming his eyes. "I'm no where near perfect William. Not even close." He says laughing, scratching his wrists, letting tears fall. "You're perfect to me." He looks over at me.

"For real?" He says wiping his face. I laugh under my breath. "You're talking too much again." I pull him in my lap and kiss him sweetly as he tugs my hair. Making out with him sounded so good until the bell rung. "Oh I gotta go." I said lifting him off and frantically grabbing my things. I get up, heading to the entrance. "Wait!" Bloo yells and runs over to me.

"Um, me Kyle, Blaze, Skylar and Haley were gonna go out wanna come." I says squinting his eyes. I smile and nod. "I'd love that." I reach down to grab his waist and give him a quick kiss. I trip on the steps on my way back inside. I think I'm seriously in love.

********Ok Guys that's for this part! Stay posted!!!! :):):):)********

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