These Two

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****Merry Christmas and Happy New Year y'all! Enjoy the story!*****

Kyle's POV

" ready?" I say looking at Sky. "This is gonna be so stupid!" He whisper yells. I roll my eyes. "C'mon it can't hurt but to try, remember this is for Bloo." He sighs. "Fine." Sky jumps up and leans against the lockers .me near Bloo.

I signal "now" as the class starts working. "EVERY SNOWFLAKE'S DIFFERENT JUST LIKE YOU! GREEN FUR! BLUE SKIN! AND THE VERY SILLY WAY YOU GRIN!" Sky starts singing. He runs down the hall knock over posters and display tables. Just as planned, Bloo's teacher comes out the classroom shocked and pissed. "Young man! Have you completely lost your senses!?". She power walks after him as he sprints down the hall.

It's now or never. I ran into Bloo's classroom and grab him up as everyone stares in confusion. "What the hell are you doing?!" He asks as I drag him down the hall.

I hold him by his shoulders tightly. "You like William don't you?" I ask for clarification. He nods slow with his eyes wide and glassy. "Well be at my house by 8:00 I gotta get you ready for you first date." Bloo lights up like a Christmas tree. "Really?! Awww thanks Kyle!" He jumps in my arms. I spin him one good time and smile. "Your not as light as you look." I say in his shoulder. "I get that a lot." He says giggling.

"I believe that belongs to me." Sky says from behind to Bloo. I blush as I set him down. "You guys are the best! Thanks!" Bloo runs back into the classroom. I smile at Sky as we exchange a high five. Bloo was going on his first date.


"Hold still Bloo!" I tell him. "Kyle I already told you I have to potty!" I chuckle. "Just hold it! I'm almost finished!" I step aside easily showing him to the mirror. He forms his teddy bear grin. "Awwww this is so awesome Kyle! I love it!" He says turning around hugging me again. Sky clears his throat. "Sorry Skylar......" Bloo says blushing moving off. Bloo takes one last look. "Oh I almost forgot I have to pee!" He runs out the room to the bathroom.

I Write Sins Not Tragedies emerges from Sky's phone. "Yellow?" He answers. I sit off to the side, to keep an eye on Holly. "Yeah ok I'll be there." Sky hangs up and grabs his backpack. "I gotta go practice with the guys for the X games Competition, so I'll see you around ok?" He smiles. He pulls me into a hug by my waist. I blush as he rushes out my room to go outside.

The door bell rings loudly. I tickle Holly and lift her off my lap. I go down the stairs and open the front door. William stands there with roses in his hands, with a sweater and bow tie. "Hello Cox, is Sebastian possibly here?" I wrinkle my forehead. Who was Sebastian? "Willy!" He runs down the stairs and comes over to him. I'm guessing that Bloo never told me his real name.

"Are-Are these for me?" He asks nervously. William smiles and bows. "Indeed sweetheart." He's them to him. Bloo smells them. "C'mon babe. I hope you like lobster." William lifts Bloo on up on his back. They were gonna be the talk of the school.

William's POV

I pull up at Roserrato's and walk inside holding Bloo's hand. "Table for two please." The host turns up his nose and snorts. "Sorry Sir, but we are full. You should have booked a reservation." He french accent slurs. Bloo purses his lips and looks around. I had to think fast. "I am but more than qualified sir, observe." I show my ID plated in gold. The host shows a nervous smile. "Uh, certainly sir! We will have you a table right away!" He says grabbing two menus. Works every time.


"I have never eaten anywhere this fancy." Bloo says looking around at the chandeliers. I take a sip of my Bloody Mary. "Well you're gonna get used to it." I say smiling with all teeth.

"Bonjour, I am Jolie. I will be your server for this evening, are you all ready to order?" She says friendly like. We nod. "Ok what would the young man like?" "I'll have the chicken fingers and fries." Bloo says. "Chicken fingers? Are you serious?" I say wincing at him. "Did you see the price?" Bloo says pointing at the menus. "Two Lobsters with a side of vinaigrette. No blue cheese please." She scribbled it on her notepad. "Alright, right away Mr.NutterBurg." She struts away.

"So they call you Mr.NutterBurg around here?" Bloo says lifting an eyebrow. "Parents partner here." I say shrugging.

He fiddles with the corner of the menu. "That's nice." I smirk. "I'm gonna spoil you." Bloo shakes his head "Don't spoil me." I roll my eyes. "A bit combative and early don't you think?" "Whatever, you better hope this date goes well." He says biting his finger. "Ok babe, you got me there." I say smiling, he smirks back. He was....actually really sweet and the feisty attitude......I liked that. I sighed of guilt, excusing myself to the bathroom as my phone rang.

"Are you here yet?" Stephen says impatiently on the phone. "Yes table 11." He chuckles. "Be sure to make sure that faggot literally falls for you. Clear?" He says sternly. I sigh and agree. I didn't wanna break Bloo's heart, but I needed this money for university. I walk back the table with my shoulders slump. I was an asshole for real.

"You ok babe?" Bloo asks standing up. I look up and nod gaining composure. "You wanna dance?" He asks holding out his hand. "Now?" I said choking. Bloo chuckles. "Yes now." He grabs my hand pulls me to the floor, I hold his waist and left hand. We struggle to dance, but laughing the whole time. "How do old people do this crap?" He asks. "Hey! I do this all the time." I say playfully offended. "Don't look like it!" He says laughing.

He was so perfect. His smile, size, personality everything. I had to make a move. I look into his blue eyes, getting lost in them. Holding his waist, I stare at his lips biting mine. He looks up at me with a lost expression."William what are you-" he begins to say. "Shut up and kiss me." I press my lips into his. His wide eyes lower to close. He tugs my hair and I pull him as close to me as I can. Shit, he was good kisser. We pull away smiling and blushing. This night was too good to be true.

******SORRY about the long part! Part 20 coming soon! Stay notified :) :) :)******

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