A Smirk away from Chaos

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**Hey guys here's Chapter 9! Enjoy the series :)**

Kyle's POV

My mom clicks her way over, only to grab their unfinished plates and wine glasses. My dad shakes his head, getting up from the table heavily, with Holly following behind him, shadowing his every move. I sit at the table alone, still with a expression of irritation, not guilt. No one insults me and walks away with victory.

But then I sigh in disbelief. Who am I kidding "no one"? If I could have the same attitude towards Stephen and the same courage, then I could feel complete. The only difference between him and the NutterBergs, is that they couldn't swing if they tried. Getting up, pushing in my chair, I switch off the light and carry myself to bed, glad that the situation has ended.

The next weekend day, I'm sleeping great till wake up to a bright sun. I groaned and turn over, pulling my black comforter over my head. Barely getting the time to resume my slumber, my phone vibrates playing "My Way Home Is Through You." By My Chemical Romance as my alarm rings at 8:00am.

You're probably wondering why do I have a alarm set on a Saturday. Well, my mom signed me up for this stupid, violin class. I never go though, I skip and head to the skate park to shred a few rails till 10:05, then I head home only to lie about how the f string produces a sound of harmony through the softwood crafted masterpiece....or some crap like that.

After the incident with The Nutties, I didn't think I could even set foot out of the house, but to no surprise, learning the talent of 400$ sheet of wood is no exception. I get up to see my black long hair messy, and my shirtless chest bolting with goosebumps from the absence of warmth in my bathroom mirror.

After my shower, I throw on my black Vans crew-neck, black jeans with a silver chain and my black vans from yesterday (aka black is my favorite color) I throw on my black beanie, grabbing my skateboard and jolting out the door before mom wakes up to make her morning coffee.

Sky's POV

"Ok try it again! This time, nail the 360!" Shredder says, holding up his phone horizontal. I throw a thumbs up to the camera, then a power fist, a few flexes, along with a guns show and - "Sky cool it with poses, and just do it!" Marty says annoyed. I stick out my tongue. Shred backs up slowly. "And- now!" He says pointing a finger.

I let my feet push the board down, releasing a drop on the ramp, letting the wind murder my hair roots. Skating up the opposite side, I turn the board with my front foot kicking it with my toes in mid-air and capturing it with my feet, riding back down and up to my original spot, holding the board up in success. Shedder cuts off the video and nods fast like.

"That was awesome dude." Shredder says shoving his phone away. "Fucking epic to the max." Mike says fisting me. "Yeah, well I think it could use some work." Marty says killing the mood. I frown at him. God, he can be an asshole sometimes. I run my fingers through my wavy blonde hair, tired from working so hard.

The community X Games auditions were coming up and me and the guys have been siked about it ever since the announcement, on X tv. Four lucky skate teams make it, only one can win. Auditions will be far more intimidating this year with 20 entering, and with me being our captain, I had to come up with all the tips and tricks for the tournament. It's stressful, but it'll be worth it in the win.

"Well I don't know about you guys, but I'm starved." Mikey says, adjusting his hat. "Can't argue with that." Shredder says "Let's go bargain old guy at Hardy's for some free shit." Mikey nodded and grabbed his board while Marty grabbed his bag, going with them I guess. "You guys go ahead, I'll catch up." I say walking to the bench. "Laters." Mikey says, throwing a peace sign.

I sit down, rubbing down my board with cleanser, polishing the bottom. "My baby needs a touch up." I say in my head. I look up and around, seeing everyone skating like pros. I smile. This was my home, my territory, Strike and Skate. The only place where I couldn't be judged or disappointed. When you make mistakes here, you can get back up without hearing the bullshit (unless you crack your board and go home). I grab my stuff and start to head up to the food shack.

Then I look over (something just told me to.) over to the most of the time unoccupied advanced section of the park, to see this kid, amazingly scratching up rails, hitting multiple Ollie's, heel flips, and everything else with precision. Each move was perfect, not to mention his control with turns as he went down the ramp. My only question; who the hell is he?

I squint closer. Wait wait wait.... Long black hair, slightly pale skin....... lip piercing, all black clothing.....and those light blue eyes? Is that....is that Kyle?

Still baffled by the sight, I stand frozen, almost envious of his skills. Trying to think of a alternative to his ways, I strained myself. He was just good. Like SCARY good. Almost too good to not be known, but that's gonna change. Right now.

I walk my way over, hoping that it wouldn't be too awkward. But then again...it's Kyle so it's a strong chance. But he was really shy from the start, maybe he's changed up a bit....

**Okay Guys that's Part 9! Make sure to rate follow or comment! Part 10 will be out soon, stay posted!**** :):):)

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