In The End

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Sky's POV

It was late and me and Kyle were up playing Fun Run. I noticed that Kyle seemed a bit more bashful around me since last night. Silence was really taking over the room.

"So........." I said rounding my mouth. "So......" He echoed putting his feet on the coffee table. "How was class?" I asked awkwardly. " was ok." He said shrugging. "Ms.Combs is still an ass but I guess everyone can't be perfect." I chuckle and the comment and lean my head back against the couch. This was a good time to clarify.

"Kyle, what exactly are we?" I asked broadly. Kyle squints his pale blue eyes. "Um.....we're human.....what do you mean?" He asked confused. I shook my head and got up from the couch. "No I what are WE like as in as know..." I circle my wrist, hoping he would catch on. Kyle goes white. "Um..........I don't really know Skylar." He pretends to be interested in his phone from looking me in the eye as usual.

"I mean...last kissed kissed me like you...." I stuttered. "Like I what?" I sighed with a risky thought. "Loved me." I said breathing hear. Kyle looked over in shock. "That....that....came out wrong. I'm sorry I meant like." I say, covering my face.

Kyle stares at me for what feels like hours, lost in confusion as to why he would wanna date some stoner kid probably. I hold my head in my arms, surprisingly letting tears escape my lids. I take a few sniffs, but try not to. I didn't want him to know I was upset.

Kyle holds my hand as I look up from my drenched sleeves."I really like you Kyle, I've never liked anyone as much I've liked you. I got all the girls back at my old school. Every sports team I was on it, and every chick, I could grab. But I've always thought guys were too. And just make me just wanna hold you all day and never let go, cause I you."

"You know Sky......your a really nice guy.....but......" He bites his lip ring. "But I've never dated a guy.....and I really just nervous about it. And it's only been weeks. I don't feel like I'm...-"

I grab his arms and pull him to my face. "I'll do whatever you want ! I'll take you wherever you wanna go! I'll give you whatever, risk anything for us. I wanna get to know you, I wanna help you build confidence, protect you from all those assholes, I will kiss you in front of every guy at school, let the them beat the crap out of me and not let them touch a hair on your head. I wanna take care of you. Just please.......let me in."

Kyle shoulders are scrunched as he looks up at me. "No ones......ever really.....told me that....they loved me........" I look down at him. "That's because they don't love you the way that I do..." He smiled blushing as I hugged him really tight.


Months went by as the end of the school year was coming to an end. Me and Kyle were always kissing and hugging in the halls. Being with him was priceless , it was unexplainable. My parents really liked him, told me that he was "profoundly" adorable. We were skating 24/7, I was noticing the less he was at home the happier he was.

We laid on the grass at the grungy night park. Kyle was wearing his Andy Biersack style tank top while I was coutured in a raggedy tank top of my own.

"What do you think next school year will be like?" Kyle asked. I stretched up and fiddled with an acorn in my hands. "Who knows? Probably that same boring teachers and idiot people. But at least we'll be dealing with them together." Kyle laughed. "Yeah hopefully I'll be left alone, and the freshman will take my shift." I chuckled in response.

A moment of silence passed as we laid down looking at the half moon and starless sky. The buzzing of Mosquitos and the chirping of crickets were the only things you could hear.

"So what do you wanna do now?" I ask him. "We can rob a bank.......throw an egg at the restaurant......or steal a few cars....." He says in a serious tone. I sit up. "Babe you don't have to be bad for me yah know." I said laughing. "Who said anything about being bad? That stuff is fun. Besides I bet I can eat 10 times more hamburgers than you can."

"Is that as challenge Cox?" I say getting up. "If you want a threat, we can arrange something." He gets up, only sizing up to my shoulder. "What's in it for me?" I ask smiling. Kyle rubs his hands together. "If you win, you can borrow my new skateboard for a week....." I nod sticking out my bottom lip. "Interesting........what about you?"

"If I win....I get to be the top this time." Kyle says crossing his arms. I widen my eyes. "It's a deal. Your on." I grab him into a kiss holding his waist. I pick him up on my back as we run into the city to the diner.

There was so many things I still didn't know about Kyle. I didn't know why he was bullied. I didn't know his home life, or why those pills were for. Why he was ever at the orphanage or why he seemed sad most of the time. He didn't know much about me either. But all that could wait. All that could wait until next school year.

*****Ok guys that's the end of the book! I understand there were a lot of untold and missing parts in the that's why the next book I'm writing will be strictly about Kyle and Sky. This wasn't necessarily my best work, because this is actually the first book I've written on Wattpad so I'm kind of new at this. But the next book will be 100 times better. Thank you all for reading my book!***********

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