Its Possible....

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Kyle's POV

The bell sounded over the intercom and nearly knocked me outta my chair. I sat up and looked around wearily. Everything was blurry. I rubbed my eyes. I must have fallen asleep. I slid lazily out of my seat and walked to the door. All of a sudden, a scream emerged from the moment I stepped out. I stumbled back 3 steps to see Sky laughing and trying to contain himself.

I rubbed the back of my neck awkwardly. I was wide awake now. He threw me under his wing and walked me out of the class. "Dude you gotta lay low, I was joking." He assured me. I moved his arm off my shoulder and looked him dead in the eye. "That wasn't funny Sky!" I said seriously. His eyes widened. "It was just a joke man, relax." He said biting back.

"Well I don't appreciate being the punch line of your joke, so just knock it off!" I said angrily. He held up his hands in surrender. "Jeez, sorry." I looked at my sneakers. I had no reason to be a asshole towards him. He was cool from the start. I was the one being grumpy. I sighed in response. "No I'm sorry, I shouldn't have snapped at you like that. I can be stubborn sometimes." I said sincerely. He put me back under his wing and continued to walk me down the hall. "It's cool man, we all have our days. At least you're not like Mrs. Tight Ass, she could use a Molly or two." I laughed along with him. He speaks the truth.

My laugh faded off as we entered the lunch room. Unlike stereotypical high school, we weren't grouped based off of what club were in, how popular you are, or how much of a dork you acted as. Everyone just hanged out with who they wanted. Outcasts sit alone, people with a good amount of friends sit together and the normies sit with 3 or two people. There's no blue eyed blonde hair chick running the school or a hot jock that all the girls swoon over. That all depends how much of a bandwagoner you are or his big your pride is.

Sky brushed his long wavy hair back from his face looking around. I just fiddled with my hands. "So where do you sit?" He asked curious. I pointed over to the empty table towards the back and led him there. Sky followed cautiously, almost as if he was afraid to go with me. I sat down and stared blankly at him. Sky stared back. "Why back here?" I shrugged. "I always sit here." "Alone?" "Yeah...." Sky sat down in front of me. "Well where are your friends?" I drew invisible pictures on the table with my finger. "I don't have any friends." I admitted quietly.

Sky sent over a sympathetic look. "That's lousy man, really lousy......" I just shrugged again. I've never had friends. I didn't believe in talking to people who wouldn't accept me for who I was. That was everyone. Sky wouldn't understand. As soon as he walked in the room he became the class clown. I was just wasted space. Like a bear in fish tank.

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