New Friends, New Crew

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Kyle's POV

Today was a regular day, people constantly walking around talking crap about me, like they don't have any business of their own. Meanwhile, classes suck and I haven't seen Sky all day. If you knew how much I liked being around that kid, you would probably think I was gay or something. We've just grown so close in 2 days it's almost inevitable. But today was strange, because I haven't seen him ALL day.

The lunch bell sounded over the intercom, echoing through the halls. I walked down the hall, head down. This is my obvious way of hiding from people. With people bumping into me on purpose and talking again, groan in annoyance. I walked in the cafeteria feeling odd. It looks bigger than usual, since I'm alone again.

I had the risky thought of sitting with someone, but killed it immediately. I shook my head in disagreement with myself. "No, you know your place, Kyle. Don't fool yourself." I walked over to my isolated table, my "Cage" Stephen and his gang would call it. But I turn around in surprise, to see that my table is actually OCCUPIED, by a array of kids and......Sky?

I looked around, baffled by the sight. Why is it today that I finally see Sky, he decides to populate my table with complete strangers? So much for trying to have a friend. He's bored with me already. I turn to walk outside, till I hear a faint call. I shift me head up and look around. I heard my name. "Hey Kyle!" I turn around irritated, it was Sky. I scuff and roll my eyes. He motions his hand to come over.

I walk over nervously too meet new people and furious that I've been ignored all day. I come over to see Sky with this silly grin on his face. "So how was Chemistry?" He asked sarcastically, acting as if he cares. I cross my arms with a straight face. "Fine." I said not changing my posture.

I look around the table at the new kids, kids I've only seen twice. I turn my attention back to him. "Who are your friends?" I asked curious. Sky puts his face in recall and turns to introduce them. "Well this is Bloo and Haley, and you remember Blaze from yesterday." He said pointing at each person. I smile weakly. They wave in response, except for Blaze, who says wassup, sitting with his spiked boots propped up on the table. I wave back shyly.

Sky gets up and turns to them. "Give us a second."' He takes my wrist through the cafe to the halls. I scowl, showing him I'm pissed. "Look I know your upset but I wanted them to meet you and their willing." He said holding my arms. I step back off of him "Why the hell are you trying to shove people in my life? I have all the friends I need, and the last time I checked I don't have to do anything you tell me!" I said feeling mad as shit.

Sky leans against the wall, with a careless look. "You honestly think that I think you have friends? I'm not slow. I wasn't dropped on my head as a infant nor was I born stupid, Kyle. You are a loner. The reason that you don't have friends is because anyone that approaches you, you label as a threat because of the people that bully you. Well, whether you believe it or not, there are good people out there. But instead of looking you hide in fear and low esteem to get away from rejection and abuse, that was never intended upon you."

I freeze in silence. I don't let one word escape my lips. Unintentionally, tears run down my face. I'm holding in a wail, and I can feel my face turning red because of it. I've never been so humiliated, but the sad thing is, it's the truth. Sky's face doesn't change, but he gives me a hug. I wipe my faces as he lets go. Was it that visible?

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to snap, but you have to change Kyle, toughen' up. I wanna help, but you have to let me. You up for it?" He asks sternly. I nod unsurely, but willingly. "Now give them a chance, will yah?" He says taking my wrist again. I actually felt a little better, even though I was slightly insulted. We go back to the cafeteria, and walk back to the table, to see them talking. "Sorry about that guys." Sky says taking a seat. I sit down unsure. Here goes nothing.

With me being so into my emotions earlier, I barely took the time to look at them. First I looked at Bloo. Guessing from where his chest was on the table, he could've been a inch shorter than me. He had aqua colored hair and he was a little pale , wearing a dinosaur shirt, but shy looking. (which is bizarre, because most scene kids are outgoing)

Then I looked at Haley. She was tiny with orange reddish hair and brown eyes. Her skin was like a light tan. She was wearing a oversized BVB crew neck, biting the sleeve. I found it ironic that she had the same name and look as the lead singer out of Paramore. She looked like a lost bunny. (Weird reference, but true)

"So, this is the famous Kyle you've been telling us about." Bloo says folding his hands on the table, looking at me. I blush slightly, wondering what he had told them. Sky laughs. "Yes this is the big ball of fluff that I decided to claim."

After that comment, I turn 3 shades redder.

"He's sexy as shit, can I have em'?" Haley says randomly. Bloo looks over appalled. "What about me? I thought I thought we were a thing." he says pouting and jumping up and down. Haley pulls him into her lap and kisses his cheek. "This is bae, but you can be bae #2 Kyle." Bloo holds her arm. "Fuck yeah I am!" He gloats. I shrug and smile. They're not so bad.

The rest of lunch was great. Bloo talked about how he a had a hairless cat name Bobo (scene kids are awesome at keeping conversations going).

Haley talked about how she saw Kellin Quinn in public and stalked him to the bathroom where she later raided his privacy and was arrested to harassment. (Even though Kellin thought it wasn't a big deal) and Blaze threw a moldy sandwich out the trash, towards some popular kids that ran away terrified.

We laughed our asses off about teachers, talked about bands and basically overall had a great time. Sky was happy for me from the beginning. I could feel a change. I could feel comfort, but most of all I finally felt wanted.

***Alright Guys that's Part 6! Comment rate and follow if you would like! (I love suggestions and criticism so lay it all on the table, I wanna make this story better!)***

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