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I dedicate this part to Black_veil_brides_CC you are the best. <3

William's POV

I walk down the hall, ignoring the reek of my old sneakers, trying to get to the courtyard. Today was the day I was gonna suck it up, and apologize to Bloo for every mishap. The events of yesterday were rethought due to my maturity.

Stephen was furious with me for not staying with Bloo, and in response denting my cornea into a black bruised swollen eye. I lifted myself up that day, tired of being pushed around by his childish behavior. Thankfully that's all he attempted to do. I could have ended up with a broken nose along with it.

My father who was infuriated with his witness to me making out with him, was ignored. Religion wasn't gonna stop me from liking who I liked. Pushing off the money and risking to fail a AP quiz just to talk to Bloo, was what I risked. With my bank low from spendings, I spent my 60$ (what was left) on soft black roses from Miller's as a plus. Any thing for Sebastian's acceptance.


Bloo's POV

I sat outside near my favorite tree, drawing my feelings in my journal, thinking about the past events of this week. William lied to me. I let him get as close as he did and then he threw me away. I feel stupid all over again. But most of all, I feel guilty that I got him trouble, cause of his father.

I begin to sketch, with my pen in between my teeth to use later until something shadows over me. I continue looking at my journal, knowing it was someone trying to get me to feel stupid again. I look up in surprise.

It was William, wearing a black eye with a dozen roses in his palms dressed in grunge with his hair uncombed. I look up sheepishly. "Hi" I say with a straight face. "Hi." He forces a small painful smile. His voice begins to crack, in a hoarse manner. "I-I'm sorry." He lets tears escape from his eyes.

My face softens. He holds out the black roses. "I got these for you." I take them cautiously and look up. He takes my hand and lifts me up carefully, afterwards getting on his knees to my level. "William look- I..." I begin to say looking down.

"Look just- hear me out. I saw you everyday at school looking lonely and quiet, wondering what I could say to you just so I could ask you out. But I was just too nervous. But now- now I'm here- or was anyways. I've come so far and fell so deep. You're completely outta my league and I don't give a shit about what anyone has to say, I like you Sebastian, just give me another chance to at least get to know you better."

I played with a rose between my fingers. "But Stephen, the money and...your dad.....he hates me. We just moved too fast. You said I meant nothing to you." He looked at the ground in response.

"That was me being inconsiderate and exaggerating, I really do care. Nothing that happened with my dad was your fault. I was being selfish. I don't care what he thinks about us. Stephen tempted me with that tuition money to hurt you, and he's an asshole for that too. But I fell for it because I was being greedy."

I licked then pursed my lips. "But the money for the university. Harvard is expensive, you need-" William interrupted me. "All the money in the damn world wouldn't amount to how much you mean to me Sebastian I care nothing of it. I'm really sorry just please, please forgive me." He clamps his hands together.

I pause then nod. "Oh-ok I forgive you, just please don't do it again, or I'll really never be with you again." William smiles and pulls me into a hug, still on his knees pressing his face into my chest. I smile slightly and giggle. He stands up, towering above me. "We should chill later, somewhere quiet and secluded, just you and me I promise I will do little wrong." I smile, but nod nervously to be alone with him.


"Are you sure it's ok for is to be out here?" I ask him as we walk to the green painted plain behind his neighborhood. William shrugs. "I wouldn't fret. It's just two reckless teenagers on our neatly cut green went spent hours working on." He says in a country accent, probably imitating the workers. I laugh as he lifts me up over the metal fence. I drop down, as he does the same. We grab a spot on the grass, not too far in the sun.

"Ok we've got Sour Patch®, Blow Pops®, Chips, and cokes." He places the treats on the raggedy blanket we were sitting on. I smile with all teeth at the sight of junk food. "This is so sweet Willy." I say grabbing a Blow Pop and a coke. "I must say, this is a lot of sugar induced food, aren't you fearful of getting obese?" I let out a sarcastic laugh. "Ha! As if I care about eating healthy!" I say laughing. He laughs along.

We talk for hours about bands and movies till the sun begins to set. "I must ask, what is this nonsense I hear of you not liking yourself?" He ask curiously. "Well, I'm not perfect. Never have been. I mean I'm just common." William pops a sour patch in his mouth and throws the bag into the pile of other wrappers and debris "You're rarely perfect." He says twisting my words. I aw and thank him at his words. He smiles as I look at him funny. "What?" I ask

"You wanna dance?" He asks me. "Now?" I say surprised. "Yes.....Now." He smiles between his words, knowing he was mimicking my words from our last date. He holds out his hand and I grab it standing myself up. "Dancing to no music is totally illogical, even for you William." William lifts his eyebrows. "Don't speak so soon love." He grabs his Iphone and places it in one of the glass cups (improvement for sound I'm guessing)

"Stay with Me" by Sam Smith comes on soothingly. "You like this song?" I ask giggly. "Just thought of you when it came on Pandora, after the pesky ads of course." I laugh shortly at the comment.

He holds my hand and puts his other hand on my waist. "I see you've improved your coordination." I say teasing. "Quite flattering." He says. We rock back and fourth to the music, smiling at missed steps. You look beautiful." He says. "Thanks for the tall tale babe." I say in response. "You just never shut up do you." He says looking at me.

He looks at me, as the music reaches it's soft side. Pulling me into a long kiss I lose my ability to speak and move. That night couldn't have been any better.

*****THANKS FOR READING THIS PART MY SEXY READERS. New part coming out. soon*******

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