Defense, No BS

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Kyle's POV

The bell rung loudly, as everybody made there way outside for dismissal. From the day I had, I hadn't even thought of Stephen yet. But who gives a damn? I've got new friends and no worries, I wouldn't let his ignorance bring me to hell. Not again.

I walked out the back to see Blaze once again, smoking up a strong roll. He looked over this time heavy eyed and careless, assuming he's too high to give a crap. "Wassup Blaze." I say to him walking by. He shoots a peace sign at me. I continue to make my way down to the parking lot to leave, till he stops me.

He walks beside me, the smell of weed lingering on his clothes. "Where you going?" He says, swinging his beaten and damned bag over his shoulder. "Just home." I say shrugging. He places his arm over my chest stopping me. "What hell are you going home for?" He says serious. I look around in confusion. What did he mean? "That's kinda where I live. It's where I go when school is over."

Blaze laughs in humor, holding his head down and thumbing his chin. If I didn't know any better, I would think he assumed I was homeless. "You can't be serious? I mean, home is great and all, but why don't you got out afterschool dude?" I huff at myself, wondering why I haven't. But then I wonder about my dad being home alone when I get there late. I shiver at the thought.

"Why don't you come with us to the mall to knock shit over and get kicked out? As long as your up for it." he says raising eyebrows. I tilt my head, in decision. I nod in agreement, only to be picked up by Sky, and carried like a bride. "Well hello there, gorgeous. Are ready to go?" I look around to see Haley and Bloo smiling evil like. "You didn't think you could get rid of us that easy, did you Kyle?" Haley says, as Sky sets me down.

"You see, when you hang with us, we leave as a team, you gonna have a lot more fun from now on." Bloo says. I smile. I feel fuzzier than I ever have. We walk in unity across the green, watching all the people eyeball us. But we all walked head up high and straight. Except for Sky, who is doing his infamous strut again. We didn't give a crap. We're just at the school exit, till Stephen and his friends come up to us.

They block our way, like the male version of Mean Girls. I step back, cautious. "Well, well, well. If it's isn't the Pierce the Freaks. So you found your kind, huh Cox? I'm surprised you even survived this long." He said grinning, humored. I look down at the grass. Haley looks at me and scowls at Stephen with a master plan look. "And who the hell are you suppose to be?" Blaze says.

"Your worst nightmare, little red. And FYI, the last time I checked, punk is dead." He said chuckling. Blaze brushed past Bloo, and stepped to Stephen, dead in his face. "Look here I don't know what your used to, Fat boy, but believe me, you're messin' with the wrong one." He said, assuring. Stephen smirked. "I'm thrilled to see you've reached your maximum toleration, I'm not moved." Blaze'a face remained motionless. "Stay in your lane mate, or it's your head." He says pointing him in the chest.

Blaze bumps past him, motions us to follow. We walk past them, only to hear them laughing and slapping palms. I walk ashamed, behind all of them, taking baby steps. Blaze walks way ahead with his fists clenched. "You didn't have to do that, Blaze." I say without a thought. I put myself in a state of regret.

Blaze shoots a look of surprise, towards me. "Kyle, you honestly want to be treated that way, by assholes like that?" I open my mouth to speak, as they all stop to turn my way.

"I didn't mean it like that I just -" I start to say till I'm interrupted. "You've got to be joking Kyle, are you an idiot?" I stand frozen at my feet. "Blaze calm down, he didn't mean it." Haley says. "You don't even know we are do you?" He says ignoring her.

I fiddle with my hands "We're your friends Kyle, we are gonna be there for you regardless. We don't let sorry excuses for fucking cunts just say anything to you." He says. I shake nervous in the legs, holding back tears.

Haley and Bloo come over and wrap their arms around me. Blaze looks at me sympathetic. "It's gone be okay Kyle, you'll be fine." Sky says rubbing my back.

"You'll be more greatful for is when we become closer, I'll assure you." Blaze says walking over. Those words stuck with me, in comfort and bliss. Haley takes my hand with her sleeve covered one.

"C'mon sexy, dry your face we gone go have fun, probably get drunk or high, but most importantly, go out and break shit." She say smirking. They laugh in unison, then I join. I've never been so accepted.

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