Willy Boy

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****Enjoy the next part guys!!!!*****

Kyle's POV

I walked into the house, only to see my dad intoxicated again, but too drunk to be responsive. I grabbed a soda out of the fridge and chugged it down to the bottom. I wasn't complaining that my dad had been sober and missing for a few days, in fact you could say I was thrilled.

My mom knows he has a problem, but she just pretends as if nothing's going on like she usually does. She basically accepts being with an asshole who doesn't give a shit about his two kids. I go to my room, pop in my headphones and blast some Paramore. I hold my head back on my pillow, smacking on gum to calm my nerves.


"Ky Ky." I feel a small soft hand pat me on my leg. I flutter my eyes open, looking over I see my baby sister Holly. I guess mom had brought her back home and took dad to the bar......again. "There's somebody at the door." She said holding my finger. I got up and ruffled her hair, heading to the door wondering who it was, it was awfully late for visitors.

I open the door, only to have the devil gift me. William was standing right in front of me, looking troubled. But I really didn't give a damn about how he was feeling. The event at dinner was totally uncalled for. Without my manners, I speak.

"What the hell are you doing here William?" I ask him. He adjusts his glasses and places a hand on his hip. "I'm not here to cause trouble if that's what you're thinking." I scuff under my breath. "Yeah, you really are stupid if you think I'll believe that." I say. "Listen Kyle, I know we've had our disagreements but this quarrel must end, I assure you that I won't do it again." Wait whoa, was he.....apologizing?

"You're apologizing? To me?" I say, raising an eyebrow. "If you're ignorance didn't make you deaf enough already, than yes I am saying......sorry." He had a painful tone in his voice, almost as if he had to do this. I pierce him with blue eyes in caution. "Is it possible if I can.....come in?" He asked painfully again. I nod a small nod and open the door for him to come in.


"This is your room?" He asks. I grab my chips off of my dresser and begin to rip them open. "Yeah, who's room did you think it was?" William shrugged and looked at all my band posters, skate boards, and electric guitars hanging up on my wall, as if he's never seen such. "Who are these bizarre people?" I look over insulted. "Their bands." I say calmly. "Why do you engage yourself in such obscure music?" He snorts disgusted.

I roll my eyes. "It's my music, I can listen to what I want. Why do you even care?" I said looking at my phone. William reddens, which is weird cause he never does. "My reason for interest, is also my purpose for being here." He admits. "To.....look at my room decorations?" I ask confused. "No you little burn out, I wish to be like you." My mouth dropped. William NutterBerg, the smart ass and living hell.........wanted to be like me?

"I know your shocked, but I seriously wish to dress and look like you. Your style is really...... cool?" I blush and but my lip ring. No ones ever complimented me, other than Sky. But holy shit did I have A LOT of work to do. It was probably gonna be like turning Napoleon Dynamite into Frank Iero.

"So you'll help me?" He says looking down. I had to know why. "Why William?" He shook his head. "No one likes me at school, so I believe if I change my image and attitude, I might be more capable of making friends." I soften my face in sympathy. "William, you should change for people, you should only change for you. Are you sure you wanna do this?" He nods fast and I roll my eyes. This was gonna be interesting..... But I was gonna need some help.

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