Time to get it together

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Sky's POV

Boy was I excited for school today, just to see the look on their faces as Shaggy walks in the room without Scooby. I liked making people laugh. It was my specialty. I was a clown, I couldn't give a rat's ass about people's feelings towards me. I hopped out of bed and slipped on a stick man shirt, damaged blue jeans, and my black Vans. I grabbed my bag and slid down the railing. Then I rolled on the floor execution style. (This is how I get my morning started, deal with it.) I held my hand and formed it like a gun on one knee. "He's on the intersection of 550 Bacon and Egg road! We got a runner!" I made gun sounds shooting the wall. "YOU'LL NEVER TAKE ME ALIVE!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, grabbing a egg from the fridge. I jetted out the door and shot it at Ms.Hilary's house, pitcher style. "TAKE THAT ,PEASANT!" I said running. I could hear her yelling and see her waving her cane out the corner of my eye. I smiled with a devilish grin. God, I love causing trouble.

I ran up to the street jogging playfully. People stared at me as I walked up the school parking lot, whispering. I stared back. "What hell are y'all looking at?" I called at them. They turned away in disgust. I ignored them, and made my way to the green yard, until I saw Kyle. He was standing against the wall on his Iphone. Apple users, their the

most infatuated with their phones. Kyle was the first kid I met here. He was short (like 5'4 short), he had long black bangs and these big blue eyes , bright like snow.

I knew from the start those kids were bullying him, no need for explanation. He looked like he could use a friend, looking vulnerable and lost. From that day (yesterday) I decided I wanted to be there for the guy. It's gonna take sometime, but I'm almost sure as soon as we start hanging out, he'll be able to stand up for himself. That kid Stephen won't be able to even touch him. I'll make sure of that.

Kyle's POV

"Dammit!" I cursed under my breath. "Jake run faster!" I hate the fact that Subway Surfers gets hard so fast."Ha, hard so fast!" I could hear Sky saying in my mind. That dirty minded kid. I miss him already. It felt good having someone around to talk to. Suddenly I felt arms wrap around my waist. "Hey babe, last night was great, lets do it again." The unknown person said. I tried pulling whoever it was off. I recognized the bracelet, I realized it was just Sky messing around. He let go as I turned around startled. I tried my hardest look irritated with him. But instead, my face turned red, trying to hold in a laugh. He did the same. It was like a contest. Failing epically, we both let out a burst of laughter from nowhere at the same time. People looked our way giving us stupid expressions. I stopped for a minute, but then looked away and continued. For the first time in this moment, I didn't really care whether they were staring at me or not.

We made our way across the field to the backside of the school building. This was a great place to sneak in if you were late for class. As we walked by the rails, I noticed a familiar smell. Weed. Strong and sweet like it should be. It was over baring. "I know right? It's almost like I can get high of just the smell." Sky said. I looked over. Did he ALWAYS know what I was thinking?

I saw smoke wander in front of us as we hit the corner. We turned to where it was coming from. The smell grew stronger as we found the source. It was a kid I've seen before, but he never went to class. He had long red hair braided into one. He wore a black skull cap, had a lot of colorful tattoos and multiple piercings. (Basically, he looked like a more punk version of Gerard Way of My Chemical Romance)

His eyes shot awake in horror as we approached him indirectly. We froze in confusion. He sighed of relief as he put the kush away. "Sorry dude, we didn't mean to scare you." Sky said moving back. "It's fine, I just thought your were a teacher." He said, zipping his bag back up. His accent was way heavy. He sounded British. Sky walked back up and adjusted his bag on his shoulder. Silence is a factor here.

As a minute passed, the ice was broken. "What are you doing back here?" Sky asked awkwardly. The guy threw his hands in his distressed jeans. "What do you allege? I'm experiencing the beauty of Nirvana." He said smiling. Regardless of the smoking, his teeth were white as could be. Sky and I nodded in agreement. "How come I never see you around here?" I said shyly. He stuck out his bottom lip and shrugged. "I'm not much of a people person, I keep to myself, yah know?" Sky displayed interest on his face. "What's your name?" Sky asked. "My name is Nigel, but I go by Blaze." He said picking up his rather torn and done bag. "I guess I know why you gave yourself such a name." Sky said. Blaze chuckled in amusement. "You're a bright star, I can't say I can argue. See you later." He walked away with the chains on his belt clinking. Me and Sky shared looks of intrigue. Now that kid, was somethin' else.

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