Chapter 2

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Like I said before guys, this is one of the most different fan fics I've ever done. I think that I'm using really good wording and description in this...maybe it's because I'm in school mode :3 I hope you guys are liking it. I realized that I don't care how many reads I get, I'm doing something I love and that's all that matters. It's just a plus if people decide to read it! Thanks to everyone who takes the time to read my works though (: xx

****Jessica’s POV****

I arrived home sort of in a daze, if you will. I came inside and I was immediately met by two very unhappy parents…

“Jessica!” my mother jumped up, running over and gathering me tightly in her arms.

“Don’t you ever scare us like that again!” she screamed looking at me before hugging me tightly again.

“Mom! I’m almost twenty years old! I can do what I want!” I shouted pulling out of her arms. I was never one to be very emotional with people.

“You’re still living under our roof, you’re still our property,” my dad growled pointing angrily to the couch. I slumped down on the couch looking over at a frazzled mom and a glowering dad.

“You were supposed to come home after the concert…the least you could’ve done was call and tell us where the hell you were,” my father began his lecture as I picked at the fabric on our couch. I met his eyes with a bored expression.

“The band invited me to go hang out!” I shot back and my dad threw his hands up in the air angrily.

“We still didn’t know where you were! We know you’re a model and everything, and you think you know everything about the city, but you don’t know everyone out there Jess! We were worried sick about you!” my father spoke with pain in his eyes. I felt my body relax a bit, but not a lot.

“I’m sorry…I was just having a lot of fun,” I shrugged looking down at my long legs hanging off the edge of the couch.

“It’s good you were having fun, but-“ my mom began and I stopped her by holding my hand up.

“I should’ve called, yes I know. I got it. I will definitely call you every second every time I leave the house okay? I’m tired. Goodnight,” I spoke sighing. My dad was fuming, but I wasn’t scared of him anymore. I was an adult now. There wasn’t much he could do to me anymore. My mom was on the couch crying again as I darted up the stairs to my room. I pulled out my phone seeing it was around one in the morning. I laughed a bit before calling Natalie. She was probably awake and on her way to the hospital by now.

“Hello?” she asked groggily as she answered. I grinning belly flopping onto my bed.

“You’ll never guess what I was just doing,” I burst and I heard her groan before giving out a quiet, yet tired laugh.

“What were you doing Jess?” she asked and I took a deep breath and held the phone a little ways from my ear.

“I went out to a bar with One Direction,” I spoke through a wide grin and I heard her gasp.

“You liar,” she growled and I jumped up in excitement.

“No! I’m serious! And they’re picking us both up for lunch..uh..later today!” I exclaimed and I heard her freaking out quietly.

“No way, you’re joking!” she squealed as I fell back on my bed and stared up at the blank ceiling.

“I’m one hundred percent serious,” I replied smiling at how excited my best friend was.

“I can't wait! I have to go now, but I’ll be over your house as soon as my appointments over,” she yelled before she hung up. I took a deep breath and heard my parents arguing downstairs. I rolled my eyes, shut off the light, and drifted off into a peaceful slumber.

****Nathalie’s POV****

There was no way Jessica was actually serious. I knew she was just pulling my leg. She was just rubbing it in my face that she got to stay at the concert until the very end. I groaned and let my head fall back.

“It’s too early mom,” I complained reaching out to find the radio buttons.

“Right here baby,” my mom spoke taking my hand and resting it on the radio controls. I smiled aimlessly in the direction I figured she was in and I felt her squeeze my hand. I turned on the radio, and I was surprised One Direction was playing this early in the morning. Not that I cared, I loved them!

“Mom? Tell me what they look like again,” I whispered resting my head on the cold window. It’s not like I’d ever know what they looked like being blind and all, but whenever my mom told me what they looked like, I felt like I could actually picture them.

“Well Harry, he has this big mess of brown curls, bright green eyes, a cheeky little smile, and the dimples that make him look young and innocent. Liam, he has short brown hair, big brown eyes, and apparently reminds everyone of a puppy. Louis, the one who always wears stripes, bright blue eyes, and messy brown hair. Niall, the blond haired boy, beautiful piercing blue eyes, and he has braces. Last, but not least, your favorite Zayn, dark hair in a quiff, tanned skin, and chocolate brown eyes,” she spoke rubbing my hand as the song ended. It was funny how I thought I could picture them, but in reality I had no idea what the color brown or black looked like. I had no idea really what curls looked like. I could imagine all I wanted, that’s what it was there for, but I would never ever know what my idols looked like.

“I sometimes wish I could see, but I know that everything happens for a reason, and that I’m lucky I even lived,” I spoke tiredly and I heard my mom crying quietly.

“That’s right honey,” she choked out and I squeezed her hand.

“I’m meeting them today,” I smiled as I drifted off for a little nap before my appointment.

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