Chapter 5

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Tired. I'm going to sleep at 9 again tonight. Pheww. xx.

****Natalie's POV****

"Singing?" I heard Zayn ask as he led me onto what I imagined was the stage.

"It's on my bucket list to sing in front of a group of people," I replied as he twirled me around. Butterflies crashed in my stomach from Zayn's touch and I laughed as I heard more people coming up beside me.

"Nat's an amazing singer," Jessica laughed nudging my elbow while I felt a giggle escape my throat. Jessica squeezed against me. 

"Here's a mic, let's hear it," I heard Liam say as a microphone slid into my hand. I shook my head reaching out trying to ahnd the microphone to anyone I could. I felt a hand take it and I heard mixed confusion.

"Why not?" Niall's voice burst out and I laughed.

"It's gotta be a surprise!" I exclaimed and I felt two hands grab my own and twirl me around the stage.

"Who's got me?" I squealed through laughter as I heard a laugh erupt and I immediately made it out to be Lou.

"Louis Tomlinson at your service," he replied before I fell into a chair or couch of some sort. I took a deep breath and felt an arm wrap around me.

"Zayn," he answered my question before I could ask it. I closed my mouth and sat back content with myself. Nothing could've been better than sitting there with Zayn's arm wrapped around my shoulder. I wished I could see where his lips were because I probably would've leaned up and kissed's a good thing I couldn't see right?

"If you could wish for one thing what would you wish for?" I asked Zayn since he was the only one actually sitting with me. I heard him take a deep breath before he asnwered.

"I'd wish for world peace and no hate," he replied softly and I sat back letting his answer sink in. That was such a mainstream answer to say. I was hoping Zayn would've said something unique, but he hadn't.

"What about you?" he replied and I sighed knowing what the right answer should've been, but it wasn't my top priority to be able to see...

"I wish that I everyone would stop worrying and feeling sorry for me," I replied simply knowing that wasn't what I truly wished for, but why should I tell him what I really wished for when he wouldn't tell me?

"Why?" he asked and I felt stumped. 

"Well...because it's annoying. I'm getting along fine! If I needed people to worry I'd surely let them know," I replied frowning hoping that was convincing enough. What I really wished was that Zayn would fall in love with me, but I knew that was a pretty big, unlikely wish.

****Zayn's POV****

I couldn't tell if she knew I was lying or not, but I did know that it was something I would wish for. What I really wished was that Jessica would fall in love with me. 

"You understand why they do it though right? Because they care a great deal about you," I spoke and I saw her nod slightly as she reached up to tuck her hair behind her ears.

"I'm glad they care, but them worrying and everything isn't going to make me not blind," she replied looking like she was getting frustrated now. I sat back letting out a breath as I saw Harry and Jessica running down the aisles of the venue. It was a sight that made my heart tighten in my chest and I felt like I was going to be sick. I should've been down there trying to win Jess over, but instead I was here sitting with a girl who I felt not the slightest attraction to. 

"Zayn? Are you still there?" Natalie asked and I felt her hand touch mine. She quickly pulled away and I took a deep breath.

"Mhm," I hummed watching Harry scoop up Jessica and her laughing the most beautiful laugh. 

"Nat! Come on! We gotta go home and get ready," Jessica called and I felt relief rush through my heated veins. I helped Natalie up and escorted her over to Jessica.

"See you lovely ladies tonight," I smiled giving Jess a wink. She smiled slightly before Harry took them out to the limo to go home. I wished she would fall in love with me...

****Jessica's POV****

Harry kissed my neck as we walked to the limo and I giggled furiously as his arms snaked around my waist from behind.

"Who's with us?" Nat asked as my cheeks heated up.

"Harry," I replied grinning from ear to ear as his lips pressed firmly onto my neck again. I saw Nat smiling and she pinched my side.

"Are you two?" she asked and I eyed Harry who bit his lip as we reached the limo.

"Yes, but you can't tell," I warned and I watched as Natalie pretended to lock her lips and throw the key away. I smiled and kissed Harry.

"I'll see you tonight," he murmured against my lips before they linked with mine again. He let go of me and my lips while flashing me a grin tha made my knees go weak.

"Go on," he waved and I nodded giving him a wave before I climbed into the limo with Natalie. I snuggled against her and she laughed as we headed back to my house. 

"You and Harry? I should've seen it coming," Nat joked nudging me and I saw sadness on her face. 

"What's wrong?" I asked hugging her closer to me. She shrugged with a sigh.

"He isn't into me...I know it sounds crazy, but I thought he'd be into me," Natalie spoke with pain on her tongue. I felt so bad for Natalie. 

"He's into you! He hung out with you all day!" I replied trying to cheer her up, but she shrugged shaking her head.

"He only did that because you told him he was my's evident he isn't interested," she spoke with a weak smile. I really didn't know how to answer my friend. 

"You don't know anything yet Natalie, unless you've heard it from his mouth you really don't know," I replied hoping that it was the right answer. She nodded resting her head on my shoulder. 

"Just relax and clear your mind. We're going to have fun tonight," I grinned and I felt a grin spread on Natalie's face as well as we arrived back home.

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