Chapter 30

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****Jessica’s POV****

“Be careful,” I whispered as we got home and Harry carried Nolan into his nursery. I followed and Harry wrapped his arm around me as we looked at Nolan in his crib.

“Let’s hope he sleeps until everyone comes over…did Zayn ever say if Natalie was going to come?” I asked and Harry kissed me quickly as he took me to our room.

“You just get some rest alright? You didn’t sleep all night, and I don’t want you to be stressed out. I’ll take care of everything,” Harry whispered and I smiled kissing him.

“You’re such a good Daddy,” I spoke as he pulled away smiling.

“I’ll wake you up around four alright?” he asked and I nodded snuggling under the blankets.

“If the baby starts crying-,” I started, but Harry cut me off by kissing me.

“I’ll take care of him,” he smiled before he left the room. I took a deep breath and I took a deep breath. My phone rang and I picked it up.

“Hello?” I spoke softly and I sat up smiling excitedly.

“No way!” I shouted and Harry came in looking at me and I waved him over and put his ear to my phone.

“Hey! Jess needs rest!” Harry laughed and I laid back grinning as Harry took my phone.

“Alright, we’ll make sure to give you time,” Harry spoke blowing me a kiss before he left the room. I couldn’t believe it. Tonight was going to be the best night ever.

****Natalie’s POV****

“What are you going to wear?” I asked going into Zayn’s room and leaning up against his door frame. Zayn spun around and smiled at me.

“Just a nice shirt and some jeans,” he replied and I walked over and sat on his bed.

“I wanna match you, what color shirt?” I asked grinning and he set down a dark blue button down shirt. He looked down at me smiling and he kissed me quickly.

“Does Jessica know I’m coming over?” I asked softly as I took Zayn’s hand and played with it. He nodded gently and I took a deep breath.

“Everything is kinda okay now,” I whispered and Zayn sat next to me on the bed.

“Almost,” he replied as I looked up at him.

“Go get ready, we gotta leave soon,” Zayn grinned kissing me as he began to change. I grabbed a light blue shirt and slid on some dark jeans.

“You look beautiful Nat,” Zayn whispered pressing a kiss to my lips and I smiled widely. He wrapped his arm around my waist and we headed out. My stomach was twisting as Zayn drove to Harry’s flat.

“Just relax,” Zayn whispered softly and I nodded as we pulled into the driveway. Zayn helped me out and we headed up to the door. Zayn knocked on the door and Harry opened it smiling.

“Come in,” Harry smiled and we stepped in and I looked over to see Niall holding Nolan. I saw Jessica over on the couch talking to Eleanor and she glanced over at me. Zayn kissed my cheek and went to sit with Niall and see Nolan while Jessica came over.

“Can we talk?” she asked and I nodded as I followed her into the kitchen. She still looked like Jessica, but she looked so much more like a mother now.

“I just want to put this all behind us. I’m a mother now and know how stupid I was that night,” Jessica burst and I looked at her with a slight nod.

“I shouldn’t have taken it out on you guys for so long, but I was so upset that two of the most important people in my life would do something to that level,” I whispered dabbing at my eyes.

“I don’t think I could ever apologize enough for what I did. I was so immature and stupid. I don’t want to lose our friendship again. I already lost it once for being ignorant and leaving you behind,” Jessica spoke holding her arms out and I hugged her tightly.

“I should be thanking you for the first time though…I would’ve never got with Zayn, but I forgive you and Zayn. I know it’s never going to be quite the way it was…but I hate fighting with you guys,” I whispered and she pulled away smiling.

“Good, because I want you to be Nolan’s godmother…and you’re obviously his Aunt already right?” Jessica asked as we went back into the living room and I grinned nodding.

“Alright! Dinner time,” Harry smiled as we all piled into the beautiful dining room.

“Is everyone good again?” Louis blurted and El nudged him gently. He shrugged laughing, but everyone nodded and started talking quietly.

“Well, I actually have some news,” Zayn spoke up and I looked at him. What was the news? Why hadn’t he told me? He smiled down at me and helped me up as he kissed me quickly.

“What’s going on?” I whispered and he just smiled. He was really starting to freak me out.

“Now, Natalie and I have had our ups and we’ve of course had our downs, but through everything we’ve been through it’s only made me realize how much I actually love her,” Zayn smiled and I grinned seeing as he was going to make a toast to me.

“Not a day goes by where I don’t think about you and spending the rest of my life with you. I know I can't not have you in my life. I suffered a year without you and saw how horrible that is, and I know now that I can't go through that again. Now I know things between us have been rocky, but I think that now everything is finally working out. I’ve told you I loved you, and I think that this is really going to show you how much I truly love you,” Zayn whispered reaching in his pocket and I frowned. So it wasn’t a toast? Zayn got down on one knee and my eyes grew wide. I’d watched proposals on TV and I knew that Zayn was proposing to me. He opened a small blue box to reveal a gorgeous wedding ring. I started to cry uncontrollably and I covered my mouth with my hands as he smiled at me.

“Will you marry me Natalie?” 

A/N: AWHHH. I hope you guys liked it! More chapters coming this week because of my day off! Please tell your friends to read this and don't forget to comment and vote please (: xx

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