Chapter 3

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I'm really attached to this story right now. I hold this story very close to me. This is like my second baby after The Heart Healer because The Heart Healer is what I consider my baby (: I hope you guys like this because I do. xx

****Zayn’s POV****

I woke up in the morning with a slight pounding in my head. I was a bit hung over from the night before, but none of that could interfere with what was going to happen tonight.

“Zayn? You up? We’re leaving in an hour,” Liam called knocking on my half closed door. Usually I would ignore Liam and go back to sleep, but today was different. I was so excited to see Jessica and her friend that I literally jumped out of bed to get ready.

“Zayn!” Liam shouted opening the door, but to his pleasant surprise I was already up. I smiled giving him a wave as I worked on y hair. He raised his eyebrows in amusement as he gave me a thumb up. He left and I chuckled. I finished up my hair and looked at myself. I looked good, I wasn’t gonna lie to myself. I winked at myself and stepped into the hallway bumping into a head of bushy curls. Harry looked up at me with an arched brow.

“Looking good Zayn, who are you trying to impress?” he snickered as we headed out to the limo from the night before. I rolled my eyes playfully as I sat next to him. He was really the only competition I had against me that was also trying to get with Jessica.

“Do ya think her friend will be hot too?” Harry grinned at me as he nudged my side gently and I shrugged with a laugh as Louis joined in.

“She’s a model, I’m sure most of her friends are models too,” Louis grinned elbowing me and I laughed as Liam finally made his way into the limo with a huff. He smiled at us and I laughed.

“Ready boys?” he asked and we all silently nodded as the limo took off.

“Now there’s something you need to know about Jess-“ Liam started, but I zoned out after he said her name.

“Zayn? Are you listening to me?” Liam snapped in front of my face and I blinked quickly refocusing on his face.

“Her friend has some sort of medical problem, she never specified what, but she has a medical problem so you need to be understanding. I know we’re all very good at it, but as we all know Jessica is very pretty and you all get distracted by her easily. You need to remember to direct some attention to her friend,” Liam spoke softly and I nodded with a furrowed brow. Liam sat back satisfied that his message had gotten through.

“We’re here,” the driver called and I felt my nerves kicking in. Liam got out going retrieve the girls and I looked at the boys. Niall laughed. He clearly wasn’t into Jessica like I was.

“She’s coming,” Harry breathed and I swallowed hard. The door opened and Jessica entered. My heart went soaring, but to my dismay, she sat cuddled up to Harry. He grinned and winked at her. She met my eyes and gave me a warm smile. I smiled back and looked to the door waiting for her friend.

“Natalie! I’m right here,” Jessica called reaching toward the door and I saw a hand grab Jessica’s. I think we were all holding our breath wondering what this Natalie girl looked like. She slowly crawled in and my stomach stopped jolting around. It wasn’t that she wasn’t pretty; I just didn’t have an interest in her. She seemed to be crawling along the seat until she sat excitedly next to her friend.

“I can't believe I’m in the same car as One Direction!” Natalie screamed looking all around her. I smiled at her excitement. It was always great to meet such a dedicated fan.

“Who’s where Jess?” Natalie asked and I felt confusion running through me, but a moment later Natalie cleared up my confusion.

“Oh yeah, I should tell you all…I’m blind,” she spoke as if it were nothing.

****Natalie’s POV****

Although I couldn’t see the boys, I was still beyond excited to be in their presence.

“Niall is right there,” Jess spoke reaching my hand out in his direction.

“Harry’s right next to me,” she replied and I smiled.

“I’m on your other side!” Liam exclaimed squeezing my left hand tightly. I grinned turning my head his direction and I felt him peck a kiss to my cheek. I was positive my cheeks were blushing now.

“Louis is here, and Zayn is right across from you,” Jessica finished and I felt my heart racing. Zayn was the boy in the band that I was attracted to the most.

“You’re her favorite,” Jessica spoke softly and I swatted her gently. I heard Zayn chuckled quietly and I felt someone grab my hand. Jessica squealed so I figured it was Zayn. I began to blush again as I felt his soft lips on my hand.

“Pleasure to meet you Natalie,” Zayn’s voice rang out and I smiled in the direction of his voice. I was literally speechless.

“So, where would you two lovely ladies like to go for lunch?” Louis spoke up for the first time and I turned his direction. Those were the times I got really frustrated with being blind. I yearned to know what they looked like. I felt tears in my eyes and I sighed quietly.

“You okay?” I heard an Irish accent ask and I could tell it was directed at me. I took a deep breath and gave a slight nod. I should be savoring this time with the boys, not crying because I couldn’t see them!

“I’m fine, just a little frustrated,” I replied waving it off as I felt the vehicle stop.

“We have arrived! Zayn? Please help escort Natalie inside,” Liam spoke gently and I felt a strong hand wrap around my own fragile one. I smiled widely as Zayn carefully helped me out of the car. Zayn’s arm wrapped tightly around my waist as I followed him and the footstep sounds from in front of me.

“So did you like the concert last night?” Zayn asked as I felt a gust of air blow at me. I felt my hair blow in front of my face and I felt gentle fingers brush the hair out of my face.

“Thanks,” I smiled knowing it was Zayn and he gave me a reassuring squeeze.

“And yes, I more than liked the concert. Hearing you guys live is something I will never forget,” I replied taking a deep breath and I felt Zayn let go of me.

“You’re good, go ahead and sit,” Zayn spoke gently as I sat down. He pushed in my chair and I heard a chair pulled out next to me.

“Okay, who’s where?” I asked laughing. It was something my friend’s had gotten used to, and I hoped the boys didn’t mind it.

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