Chapter 17

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I really just don't like this chapter, but it's whatever lol. Hope y'all are doing well. I don't hear much you guys anymore! A few of you message me all the time. I appreciate it (: xx

****Zayn’s POV****

“Where are we?” Natalie asked as I took her hand and led her inside.

“A water park,” I grinned setting her swimsuit into her hands. She immediately stopped walking and she swallowed hard.

“A water park?” she questioned and I frowned not understanding why she was so uneasy. I kissed her cheek and let my thumb glide against her cheek.

“What’s the matter?” I asked and she shrugged gently.

“You’ll stay close to me right?” she asked and I kissed her lips quickly before I helped her into the changing room to change.

“I’ll be right here when you’re done changing okay?” I asked and she nodded as she locked the door. I stood outside and waited patiently for her to come out. She came out a few minutes later wrapped in a towel and I wrapped my arm around her. I sat her down on the bench by the changing rooms and I kissed her head.

“I’ll be quick, wait right here,” I whispered and she nodded as I stepped into the room to change myself. I changed quickly and went back out to see some guys trying to make advances on Natalie.

“Why don’t you come with us? We’ll have fun,” one of the boys whispered in her ear as she turned her neck to escape his voice. They clearly didn’t realize she was blind.

“I’d rather not,” she spoke uneasily and I just stood there watching angrily.

“Look at me,” he grumbled and I saw tears in her eyes.

“I said look at me!” he shouted as his hands wrapped tightly around her wrists.

“Stop!” she screamed trying to get away from him. I grabbed the two boys by the neck and pulled them off her.

“She said stop,” I growled and the boys looked at me with bored expressions.

“That your girl?” one asked with a smirk and I just stared at the boy. He laughed as I dropped them on the floor.

“Go have fun with your little slut,” they huffed as they made their way outside. I wanted to run over and punch them, but I held myself back.

“Come on, forget about them. Let’s have some fun,” I breathed as I lifted up my shaken girlfriend. She held onto me tightly and I kissed her head. As soon as we got out to the huge water park I saw a smile creep onto Natalie’s face.

“My mom would never bring me. She was scared I’d get hurt,” Natalie spoke as I set our towels on some chairs. 

“Well you’re not going to get hurt as long as you’re with me,” I whispered in her ear right before I dragged her off to the lazy river.

****Natalie’s POV****

My mom had always made water parks seem so damn dangerous and boring…but they were far from it. The lazy river might have been a little too enjoyable for me since I couldn’t see what was going on, but Zayn joined in with my craziness.

“Let’s do something different,” I spoke and Zayn helped me out of the tube I was in and I felt myself going up stairs. A slide. It had to be!

“You look like you’re having fun, am I right?” Zayn asked as we took another step up. I nodded excitedly and wrapped my arms around him.

“Thank you, thank you so much. You make my life bearable,” I grinned and he kissed my nose.

“I think you mean vise versa,” he replied and I pushed him playfully as we took yet another step higher.

“Alright, you can go,” I heard some say very monotone-like. I grabbed Zayn’s hand tightly as he helped me into the tube.

“Don’t let go of my hand,” I whispered right before I felt the tube take off. I squeezed Zayn’s hand tightly as my stomach twisted violently. He was yelling and hollering. After a few seconds the sickness subsided and I joined in the yelling. We splashed into the water and I let out a breath.

“Oh that was fun,” I giggled and Zayn started laughing at how excited I was about everything.

“Wanna go in the wave pool?” Zayn asked as we started skipping along.

“Will I be okay?” I asked leaning up against him and he kissed my head.

“I told you I’d be there for you sweetheart,” he replied innocently and I laughed as I felt water lapping at my feet.

“Here, take this tube and hold it tight,” Zayn ordered and I obeyed and he took my hand and dragged me out very deep in the water. Zayn clutched my hand tightly and kissed it.

“Whatever you do, don’t let go,” Zayn whispered and I started laughing.

“What is this, the Titanic?” I asked and he nudged my tube. I giggled and heard a siren go off. I held onto Zayn tightly as waves started to pick up. I smiled wildly, but then realized why I needed to hold onto Zayn’s hand…too bad I realized that AFTER I let go of his hand.

“NATALIE!” I could hear Zayn shouting, but I couldn’t figure out which direction. I was running into people and water was crashing into me.

“Hey! Watch out!” people kept shouting as I kept getting farther and farther from Zayn’s frantic voice. I thought the waves would stop, but they kept going and I went tumbling underwater. I felt someone grab me and I was taken to the shore as I coughed up water.

“Are you okay?” someone unfamiliar asked as I laid against their chest. I nodded breathing heavily.

“Natalie, oh thank goodness,” Zayn breathed coming up beside me and I smiled as he scooped me up.

“I think we’ve had enough fun for one day huh?” Zayn asked as he carried me back to his car.

“That was a lot of fun, we need to do it more,” I smiled and Zayn laughed as he started his car.

“ZAYN MALIK!” I heard screams and then I heard the car screech as we skidded onto the road. I burst into laughter and Zayn sighed and joined in with my laughter.

“Did I ever tell you I love you?” Zayn asked as he played with my hand. I smiled through a blush and took a deep breath.

“Once or twice,” I whispered yawning as I closed my eyes.

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