Chapter 9

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Well. I'm really freaking worked up right now. It's gonna be a rough day tomorrow, I can already tell.   Ugh, but as promised I have updates for you (: Hope everyone else has a good day tomorrow! Night xx.

****Jessica’s POV****

Zayn was late. He was supposed to be at Harry’s an hour earlier with Natalie.

“Calm down babe,” Harry begged as I paced the floors, biting my nails. I shook my head looking at him. He slowly looked down and sighed.

“Where the hell are they? He’s late,” I hissed running a hand through my hair. I just wanted to apologize to Natalie and spend the day with her. I heard a car pull in the driveway and I opened the door to see Natalie and Zayn laughing as they came to the door.

“Where were you?” I snapped and Natalie stopped laughing immediately.

“We got some lunch,” Zayn snorted and I rolled my eyes.

“You could’ve called,” I replied and he shrugged.

“You’re not our mum Jess,” Natalie piped in and I ran over trying to hug her.

“I’m so sor-“ I started, but she pushed out of my arms and sighed.

“It’s fine,” she snapped and I felt my throat close up. She wasn’t going to forgive me. I followed them inside and sat down next to Harry.

“What did you guys do last night?” I asked playing with my hands as Harry wrapped an arm tightly around my shoulder.

“We just hung out,” Zayn shrugged putting his hands behind his head while Natalie rested her head against his shoulder.

“Natalie I really am sorry,” I blurted not being able to stand not talking to my best friend. She shrugged and I bit my lip to stop my tears from pouring out.

“Thought you said you’d never leave me, that you’d always be there for me,” she shot back at me angrily. I closed my eyes to try and stop the tears that were dripping off my eyelashes.

“I-“ I started, but she stood up shaking her head furiously.

“You lied! You lied to me Jessica and I can’t believe I thought that maybe for a second you were telling the truth! I should’ve known that the boy was going to come before me. God, I was so dumb to ever think you’d be there for me,” she screamed and I was now crying into Harry’s shirt. It hurt; hearing my best friend say that felt like she’d shoved a knife in my heart and left an open wound.

“Get out,” I whispered wiping my eyes as a new batch of tears collided with my cheeks.

“What?” she asked and I closed my eyes tightly.

“GET OUT!” I screamed sending her back a bit. Zayn wrapped his arm around her and they left. I was trembling as Harry held me.

“Maybe it’s for the better,” he whispered. I nodded, but at that moment I couldn’t have disagreed with Harry more.

****Zayn’s POV****

Natalie broke down the second we got in the car. I drove down a ways before pulling over and pulling her into my arms.

“Shh,” I hushed pressing kisses anywhere I could.

“Should I have listened to her?” she asked and I sighed kissing her head.

“No, it’s okay babe. You’re still raw from everything. Give it time,” I whispered holding her against my chest.

“Want me to take you home?” I asked holding her face in my hands and looking into her blank eyes. She shook her head and I kissed her.

“You can come back to my flat then,” I replied starting the car and heading back to my flat. We arrived and I just looked over at Natalie. She didn’t deserve Jessica as a friend. I’d been stupid to fall for Jessica. She was a snob and she was selfish. I got out of the car and scooped up the fragile girl. I was gonna do everything in my power to take care of this girl.

“Come on, you wanna lay down?” I asked and she shrugged. I took her to the couch and set her down. I wrapped her up in a blanket and I kissed her.

“You’ll stay with me?” she asked taking a tight hold on my hand. I kissed her hand and knelt beside her.

“I’ll be right over in the chair next to this couch,” I whispered and she nodded letting her eyelids fall close. I kissed her forehead before I stood up sitting in the chair I said I would. My phone was buzzing quietly in my pocket, so I gently stood up and went outside swiftly.

“Hello?” I answered and I heard a relieved sigh.

“Is Natalie okay?” I heard a worked up Jessica ask. I felt my blood boil. I didn’t want to talk to her; I wanted nothing to do with her anymore.

“She’s fine, just leave her alone,” I snapped and I heard her crying softly.

“Shut up Zayn! You act like you’ve liked her this whole time! I knew you liked me. You wanted nothing to do with Natalie and now all the sudden you do? This is because I’m dating Harry isn’t it? You’re trying to get everyone else on your side so I won’t have anyone!” she shrieked and I heard Harry trying to calm her down.

“You’re a selfish, stuck up bitch,” I growled before I hung up on her. I stood there feeling the anger drain from my body. I took a deep breath before I made my way inside to see Natalie sleeping peacefully on my couch. At least someone was peaceful…

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