Chapter 8

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Hehehe. Haven't updated SW5B in like two days! Sorry, I've been busy! I'll update tomorrow okay? For now you can have this (: I finally know the plot too! So excited. Gonna make this a really long fic too btw. With more than one plot twist like I usually have. First twist is next chapter! xx

****Zayn’s POV****

I don’t know what made me kiss her, I really don’t. Maybe it was just the feeling of being wanted and loved. It felt so right with her lips against mine, but I knew I was just fulfilling my own needs.

“Why-“ she started, but I stopped her by kissing her again. I liked kissing her, I mean, who wouldn’t? Maybe I’d been blind not to have noticed her before. She was beautiful, nice, funny, and heck, she liked me! I parted from her and brushed her hair behind her ears.

“I wish I could see you right. I’ve never wanted anything more in my life,” she whispered through tears and I wiped them away.

“I wish you could too, but seeing isn’t the important thing,” I replied actually realizing I was right. Natalie didn’t even know what I looked like, yet she had a crush on me? It made my stomach do flips and a smile crawled onto my face. Someone loved me for me, not my looks, but for me.

“You’re the first guy to ever give a care about me,” she spoke snuggling under the blankets. It surprised me.

“Why haven’t other guys cared about you?” I asked quietly as my fingers sifted through her soft hair. She looked down and wiped away some tears falling from her eyes.

“Who wants to date a girl that’s blind?” she replied looking up and she looked in my eyes dead on. It made tears form in my own eyes.

“I would,” I whispered and I saw her looked a little stunned for a moment.

“Why does that surprise you so much?” I asked taking her hand tightly.

“Because you can every other girl and you want…me? I mean, if normal boys didn’t want me then why the hell would Zayn Malik?” she asked and that set me back. She had tears running steadily down her face now. I wiped them away with my fingers and my lips.

“I’m not normal though Nat,” I whispered in her ear and she laughed a bit as she brushed away some more tears. Maybe I should’ve noticed Natalie sooner. She was more fun than Jessica anyway!

“I could’ve told you that,” she joked nudging me and I chuckled softly.

“I don’t want you to doubt me okay? I’m going to be there for you and I’ll never hurt you,” I spoke softly as I rubbed gentle circles into her back as she snuggled into me.

“I’m not your girlfriend yet Zayn,” she mumbled and I smiled. Not yet anyway…

****Jessica’s POV****

“She won't answer Harry,” I spoke calling Natalie for the seventh time. Harry was pacing the floors trying to call the other boys and hoped maybe they’d found Natalie.

“God I was so stupid!” I shouted as tears fell from my eyes. Harry ran over hushing me and holding me tightly in his arms.

“Shh, we’ll find her,” Harry whispered kissing me quickly before someone answered.

“He-hello?” a husky, tired voice asked. I sighed relieved realizing it was Zayn.

“Where the hell is Natalie?” I barked and Harry held me gently and rubbed my arms gently as hot tears burned down my cheeks.

“She’s with me, chill out. I’m bringing her over to Harry’s in the morning,” Zayn replied quietly and I felt a little calmer, but not by much.

“Okay, don’t do anything stupid…and don’t you dare hurt her,” I warned and I heard him huff before he hung up on me. I set my phone on the nightstand by Harry’s bed and looked at him.

“She’ll forgive you,” Harry whispered as we climbed into his bed.

“I left her at the concert Harry. She’s blind, and I left her alone. Thank God Zayn found her, or who knows what could’ve happened,” I blubbered feeling sick to my stomach.

“Shh babe, let’s just get some rest,” Harry whispered against my neck and I nodded as I closed my eyes. He hugged me close to him and kissed me for a minute.

“Night,” he murmured against my lips and I pulled away snuggling into his chest.

“Goodnight,” I replied before I fell asleep.

****Natalie’s POV****

“Come on,” Zayn squealed excitedly from in front of me. I groaned reaching out trying to find him.

“Where are you?” I exclaimed before he threw me on his back and ran like a mad man. I screamed and he just laughed.

“Don’t drop me!” I shouted right before he stopped. He twirled me around and kissed my cheek.

“Natalie, over here,” Zayn sang in my ear before I heard him run off.

“Zayn!” I shouted aggravated. His arm wrapped around my waist and he walked me forward.

“Just because I can't see doesn’t mean you can just be sneaky all the time,” I whined before he kissed me. I felt his hands untying the blindfold from around my eyes. I squeezed my eyes close and Zayn’s lips brushed against my jaw.

“Open your eyes,” he whispered. I opened them and I gasped. I could see Zayn standing in front of me with a wide grin, but that didn’t faze me…I could see…

I woke up much too soon. I grunted and rolled over, landing on top of Zayn. He moaned and I quickly rolled back over.

“I’m so sorry Zayn,” I laughed and I heard him take a deep breath.

“It’s okay,” he breathed and I yawned snuggling back under the blankets.

“I wish I hadn’t woken up,” I groaned trying to hold onto the vivid images in my head; his tan skin, dark hair, creamy brown eyes, and a killer body. He was everything I’d hoped for and more.

“Why not?” Zayn asked scooping me up in his arms so my head was against his chest. I took a deep breath. Was I going to tell Zayn? Well, obviously!

“I saw you,” I replied quietly and I felt his breathing stop for a second in confusion.

“What do you mean?” he asked kissing my head. I smiled seeing how much he was caring for me now.

“I could see. In my dream, I could see,” I said and Zayn squeezed me tight.

“I'm so sorry babe,” he whispered. I sighed nodding as we just snuggled.

“Well, we have to get to Harry’s…Jessica’s freaking out about you,” Zayn yawned standing up. I laughed and felt him lift me up and twirl me around.

“Come on,” Zayn laughed taking me outside and putting me in his car.

“I’m taking you out for lunch,” Zayn spoke making a sharp turn. I laughed. I loved this. Nothing could get better.

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