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Grayson Bailey

*ding!* *ding!* *ding!*

I grab my phone frustratedly and glare at the texts from Ethan.

Ethan- morning
Ethan- is u ded?
Ethan- noooo Grayson! U'll be missed

Recipient- shut up, it is way too early for you to be spamming me right now

I sent the message quickly and put my phone down, opening my history book back up and trying to study for the quiz I had today. *ding!* stupid bit-kind words, Gray.

Ethan- but I miss uuuu

Recipient- u don't kno me besides don't u have like class or sum?

Ethan- yeah, but texting u is more interesting
Ethan- dont u have a class?

Recipient- study hall. Also don't* 😁

Ethan- nerd

Recipient- at least I have a good education sis

Ethan- u come off as a pillow princess

Recipient- a who?

Ethan- are u fr?

Recipient- yeah?

Ethan- look it up cause I'm not explaining that to u

Recipient- fake

Ethan- how? Ykw nvm idc
Read 9:21 AM

I put away my books, deciding that I had enough of the pointless studying since Ethan had distracted me so much. I wonder what he looks like....I spent the rest of study hall imagining him, maybe he has blue eyes and blonde hair or green eyes and brown hair. I imagine him to be tall and muscular but maybe that was just me stereotyping any boy I find interest in.

The bell rang and I left the library, bumping into a tall figure 'oomph' I grunt. "Sorry" he mumbles, I look up at the boy with chocolate brown hair and honey golden eyes, he wore a simple black shirt and a small chain around his neck.

"Your good, I'm bad at watching where I'm going" I chuckle and he smiles. "Well since I feel bad for running into you I'll give you the pleasure of meeting me" he says in a serious tone making me raise my brow.

"Yeah I don't wanna know, you seem like a dick head" I cut him off and walk away, not wanting to deal with a cocky teenage boy. I feel his eyes on me as I turn the corner, meeting up with Riley at her locker.

"Hey kid!" She smiles, how is she always so energetic this early? I can barely stand looking at anyone in the morning. "Ready to fail this history exam?" I ask and she sighs, "we'll do fine, Gray, come on, let's not be late again." She pulls my hand and I trudge behind her, a small frown on my face.

I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket but I ignore it, already knowing who it is. We get into class and take our seats in the back, Mr.Jameson not even here yet.

I pull out my phone seeing a text from him;

Ethan- I think I just got rejected 😕

Recipient- ouch🤕 by who?

Ethan- idek him, he goes to my school tho.

Recipient- yikes, that's tuff.

Ethan- hey, be easy on me, I'm not good with rejection, it's new for me

Recipient- jeez u can't be that attractive

Ethan- u wanna bet?

Recipient- betttt sis

Ethan- alr fine pillow princess. Ft me tn and find out.

Recipient- fine.
Read 9:38 AM

Class had started as I turned off my phone, placing it in my bag. I started to feel anxious, I don't even know what this kid looked like and now I have to face time him? I'm already awkward as it is, so mixing a face time call and pretty much first meeting is gonna be rough.

"Who was that?" Riley whispers, leaning over to me. "Ethan. The guy who texted me yesterday, he wants to FaceTime tonight" I whisper back excitedly. "O M G, yasss Queen, get your man" she praises making me giggle.

"Quiet! There are tests out!" The teacher yells making my mouth snap shut. I focus on my test, somehow flying through it, it was mostly just some background stuff about Germany and all that.

Eventually I finished up the written response that was the last question and got up to turn it in. "First one done? Again? You must be real confident" Mr.Jameson tells me, taking my paper.

"You shouldn't doubt your students" I whisper in a fake nice voice, walking back to my desk. "Help a sister out, I am about to fail" Riley whispers and I smile, "girl you know I got you" I slip her a piece of paper with the answers that I wrote down.

Incoming Face Time Call...
Ethan would like to FaceTime

I let the phone ring for a second, nervousness filling my body as I hesitantly slid the green button to the right. The "connecting" screen popped up before Ethan's face appeared.

"Wait- you're the guy from this morning" was the first thing I said to him, "wow. You rejected me without even knowing me?" He asked making me giggle.

"Well you did come off as a cocky ass dick head so yeah I think I had a right" I defended myself and he smiled. He looked to be shirtless, laying on a bed as music played softly in the background.

"So...second chance?" He asks and I nod. "Yeah, just don't be an asshole" I laugh and he nods, agreeing with me.

"What grade are you in? I don't recall having any classes together" Ethan asks. I roll over in my bed and turn off the lamp, turning up my brightness so Ethan could still see me. "A senior, I just have all AP classes" I explain and he nods.

"What about you?" I ask, "I'm a senior too, guess I just have average classes. I'm signing up for journalism next quarter though" he says and I smile. "I'm in that class, it's my sixth period." I tell him. "Maybe we'll end up together" he suggests and I nod, "maybe".

"So, Grayson, wanna play twenty questions?" Ethan asks and I nod. "Okay I'll start. What's your favorite color?" He asks, "green" I reply with no hesitation.

"What's your favorite subject?" I ask, I knew the question was hella lame but what did u expect? "Lunch" He says bluntly making me giggle. "That's not a class, silly." He laughs at the name I gave him and sighs, "it definitely should be a class because that's my favorite thing ever. Food is just like the best thing ever besides my- never mind" he stopped himself from being dirty and I roll my eyes.

"Fuck boy" I mumble and his eyes roll, "I was
joking, Dummy" He says making me purse my lips.
"Mhm, goodnight Ethan" I say, "but the game isn't-" I press the red X, ending the call with a small smile.

I can't believe this kid goes to my school, he's one, gay, two, hella fine, three, funny, four, cocky and dirty which I'll get over eventually. I just can't wait to tell Riley.

I put my phone on the charger and pull the blanket over my head, trying to fall asleep.

I pick up my phone with a glare and read the message angrily, my eyes softening as I read the last word.

Ethan- let's eat lunch together tomorrow. Good night, Princess.
Read 11:49 PM

A/N; double update for the win! Wow I'm cringe anyway it's like way too late for me to be up rn so gn, I love you guys.

What's your favorite food/type of food?

Mine is probably Chinese food or Thai food cause goddamn that shi be hitting so good lmao.

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