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Grayson Bailey

    My eyes scanned over the crowded cafeteria, searching for the dark haired boy. The tray filled with food grasped firmly in my hands as I walked around pointlessly. My phone dinged in my pocket making me curse to myself, balancing my tray in one hand as I pulled out my phone.

Ethan- btw I'm outside, far right corner
Ethan- round table

Recipient- omw
Read 12:24 PM

   I found myself walking out the back entrance of the cafeteria, taking a right and seeing the beautiful boy looking around for me. Our eyes meet and he waves, I walk over to the table, my nerves jumping around in my stomach for some reason.

     "Hey" I greet and he smiles, "sup?" He asks, I sit down and offer him my grapes, seeing as he had no food with him. "Thanks" he opened the container and pops one into his mouth.

      He looks at me for a moment, opening his mouth to say something but I beat him to it. "Sorry for being a dick to you lately, I promise I'm not really like that. It's just you give off a weird vibe" I explain and he cocks his head to the side.

      "Weird? How?" He asks, obviously confused. "Not in a bad way, just in a cocky sexual way" I tell him and he chuckles. "I'm an eighteen year old man what do you expect?" He asks, laughing slightly.

       "Well...I wouldn't go as far as a man but sure" I joke, he shakes his head with a small smile as we make conversation.

     It was like we just clicked in a way, he was easy to talk to, funny and sweet. Which is not what I was expecting at all.

      "Yeah. My mom mostly takes care of me and my sister after my dad passed." He says, but not in a sad way. "Oh. I'm sorry for your loss." I tell him sympathetically and he smiles. "Thanks. So what about you?" He asks.

         "What about me?" I question, "what's your mom like?" He asks curiously. "Oh um, my mom left a few years ago, so it's my dad, E.J. and I." I tell him and his brows raise.

       "I'm guessing E.J. Is your brother?" He asks and I nod. "Wait, your mom left? Like just up and gone?" He asks and I nod, "she got pregnant with some other dudes kid, I don't talk to her anymore, none of us do" I inform him and he rolls his eyes.

          "I never understood why people cheat. Like why get into a relationship with someone, commit basically everything to them just for some thrill? It's like the stupidest thing ever" he says, shaking his head, getting slightly furious just talking about it.

          "Makes no sense. I've been cheated on" I mumble and his eyes soften. "What a shame. You're beautiful" He whispers making me blush.

         The bell rings loudly throughout the campus, "that's my cue" I joke and he smiles. "Let me walk you to class?" He asks and I shake my head. "It's okay, I'll be good." I decline his offer and be frowns slightly but regains his smile quickly.

        "Well then uh, have a nice day. I'll get this for you" he grabs my tray and I smile, thanking him before grabbing my bag and walking off to Spanish class.


         Spanish was the same, everyday I came in, sat in the back and put my head down. This was the period I always got sad in for some reason, I never took note to who was in here, I just kept to myself with my head phones plugged in.

      The teacher never really handed out work, and when she did it was pretty easy. This week we were doing spring words, which was kind of dumb but whatever.

       I felt a tap on my shoulder making me look up to see Ethan hovering over my desk. "What are you doing here?" I ask, noticing his stuff at the desk next to me.

       "Turns out your the kid I always thought was weird because you didn't talk to anyone. I usually sit at the front" he laughs making my brows furrow. "Oh damn. Well lucky me" I laugh and he sits down next to me.

       We both independently work on our assignments. "What's spring in Spanish?" He whispers and I look at him, dumbfounded. "La primavera" I answer him and he nods, writing it down.

       "What?" He asks, noticing me looking at him. "That was like the first word we learned when we started this chapter" I laugh and he shakes his head. "Sorry was too focused on the weird kid in the back" He remarks making me scoff.

       "You really wanna go there?" I ask and he contemplates it, "nah, I just kind of played it out in my head and it ended with you not texting me back" he says and I smile. Honestly that would be something I'd do.

      I shook my head with a small smile and got back to work. Ethan glanced over at me a lot, which was making it hard to focus but I did it anyway.


    "So there's this party Friday night and you have to go" Riley tells me, ignoring the history teacher shushing us. " know I hate party's. Crowds and people just aren't my thing, especially drunk ones." I whine and she shakes her head. "You're not getting out of this one, Bailey. I need my wing man" she says, batting her mascara covered lashes at me making me sigh.

     "Fine. But I'm inviting someone" I compromise and she smiles. "The more the merrier but who?" She asks, excitement in her tone. "Well you know that Ethan guy that texted me? He goes here, I ran into him the other day and we had lunch together today. We have Spanish together, which I never even realized." I explain to her and she smiles.

      "Grayson is about to get some of that duhhhh" she says excitedly making me laugh at her stupidity. "I can't with you" I giggle, "you love me" she says in a joking tone. "Damn right" I nod and she smiles.

Recipient- Friday night we're going to a party. I'll pick you up.

Ethan- Well then.
Ethan- thought we might take this slow but...your call babe

Recipient- shut up. It's not like that.

Ethan- sure 🥵
Read 1:56 PM

A/N: I can already tell this book is gonna suck lmao anyway wassup? I'm home alone for like 4 days cause everyone went out of town so no one will be home for my bday☹️

Who's your fav female artist?

Mine is Ariana Grande

Anywhore, thanks for the love, bye.

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