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Ethan Dolan

      Grayson stood in front of his closet, basically glaring at it as he tried to decide on an outfit for tonight. Gray decided it was best if I just went home with him after school so that we could get to the party on time.

       "Hey can I put on some music?" I ask and he nods, "aux is over there" he points to a stereo system and I connect my phone. I put on PYT by Michael Jackson and nod my head to the beat, smiling slightly.

        Grayson pulled out a pair of really short light washed blue shorts and a dark green sweater. "I'll be back" he says shortly before disappearing into his bathroom.

         Gray comes back out, looking gorgeous as ever. "I want to love you, pretty young thing! You need some lovin' tender lovin' care" I sing, getting up and dancing with him. My hands were on his waist as he smiled up at me, I sang and moved my hips to the beat, Grayson following my lead.

         "Don't you know now is the perfect time? We can dim the lights just to make it right" I sing, Grayson laughs at me, his arms hanging around my shoulders.

           He pulls his arms away from me and I frown, "You're tall and it makes my arms hurt" he giggles making me scoff, "you're just short" I defend myself, honestly he was short, his head stopped at my pecks, it was quite adorable honestly.

          "Well sorry I wasn't built like a giant" he mumbles making me furrow my brows, "bitch I'm a sexy fucking giant" I say with confidence and he shakes his head.

        "Are we ready to go pretty young thing?" I ask him and he giggles, "Yeah I just need to get shoes on." He bends down, looking under his bed and pulls out a pair of dirty vans.

         My eyes follow his butt, my head tilting slightly. "Ethan!" Grayson scolds, I put my hands up in defense with a smirk on my face.

         "Grayson! I'm home!" A deep voice yells from downstairs startling me. "It's my dad, come meet him." Grayson grabs onto my wrist and practically drags me down the stairs.

            "Hey dad, this is Ethan, he's a friend from school. We're gonna head out to a party with Riley pretty soon" he hugs his father and gives him a kiss on the cheek. I always wanted a dad, but mine never wanted me so I guess I'm stuck.

           "It's nice to meet you, Ethan. I assume you'll be taking care of my son?" He asks and I nod, "of course" I shake his out reached hand and give him a polite smile. "And it will be a sober night, correct?" He squeezes my hand tightly as he asks the question making me gulp.

         "Yes sir, I don't drink. Does no good for the body" I tell him and he let's go of my hand. "Good. Because I'll have to commit a murder if-" Grayson cuts him off, "Okay dad, uh we're gonna go now." Grayson pulls on my wrist.

         "I'll meet you out there, I have to go grab my phone" Grayson nods and walks out of the front door, leaving me and his father alone.

       I awkwardly walk off to the stair case and jog up them. Stopping the MJ music and turning off his light, I put my phone in my pocket and close his door.

       When I get down to the last step his dad is standing in the same place. "Don't hurt him, he's my last one. I know you're mind ain't all innocent around him. I can see it, you don't look at him as a friend. So I'm warning you now, don't hurt him." He says in a threatening tone.

     "Mr. Bailey I can assure you I would never hurt your son in any way, shape or form" I assure him and he nods. "Have a nice night, and have him home by eleven" he tells me and I nod, exiting the door.

HIT ME BACK- grethanNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ