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    Camryn's POV

   "Hah! I won!" Julie yelled in excitement then stood up and did her best at twerking.

   "You cheated!" Alex argued throwing her cards down.

   "How do you cheat at Monopoly?!" Julie questioned.

   "I don't know but you did!" The door bell rang signaling that the pizza is here.

   "I'll get it!" We all yelled and raced down the hall to the door. I pulled on the bronze knob and was greeted by Jeff the pizza man. We order pizza almost every night since none of us can cook, so Jeff is one of our best friends now.

   "Hey Camryn, Julie, Valerie, and Alex! What's up?" Jeff questioned leaning against the door frame.

   "Julie cheated at Monopoly again." Alex grumbled.

   "I did not!"

   "Julie I've played Monopoly with you before, and you do cheat." Jeff said. Julie let out a huff and crossed her arms.

   "Whatever." She mumbled. I took the two pizza boxes out of Jeff's arm. Valerie handed him a ten and we said goodbye. We all ran back to the living room in our little apartment and started happily munching on the hot pizza.

   Before I go anyone where further, I should probably introduce myself. My name is Camryn. Just Camryn. No last name, none of us have last names. I love to draw and paint and sketch, I just really love anything involving art. I have wavy red hair and brown eyes. I'm quite thin, and I live in a small apartment with my three other best friends Valerie, Julie, and Alex.

   Valerie is very quite and layed back. She enjoys reading fan fiction on her phone and keeps to herself mostly. But if you ever say something bad about One Direction or 5 Seconds Of Summer (especially Michael Clifford) she won't hesitate to tell you off. Other then that, Valerie's a very nice girl. She has long brown hair that actually goes to her waist, and I adore her blue eyes.

   Alex is very loud! She's not afraid to tell you her opinion on something. She loves Luke Hemmings and won't stop talking about him when you most want her to. Alex has straight blonde hair that falls just below her shoulders. Her eyes are a vibrant green and she has lots of freckles scattered around her nose. Did I mention she loves food?

   Last there's Julie. Julie is very bubbly and loves to play pranks on us. But when she gets mad it's very hard to calm her down. She sticks up for what she believes in that's for sure. Julie's always wanted to be an actress but has never had the courage to audition for anything, although I'm sure she'd get the part for anything she auditioned for. I think she's very good and support anything she does. Well maybe not everything. She's practically in love with anyone one who plays the drums. Which means that her favorite is Ashton Irwin of course. Although she's also in love with Josh Devine, but he has a girlfriend. Julie has wavy blonde hair that goes to her shoulders and hazel eyes.

   I'm a Harry girl honestly. But if I had to choose a favorite from 5 Seconds Of Summer it would have to be Ashton, although I'd never tell Julie that because she would pounce on me. We all we're sent to an orphanage as babys. All of our parents died expect for Alex's who didn't want her. Probably because she was too loud. Our orphanage wasn't the meanest but it wasn't the nicest either. We all turned 18 this year so we moved out of the orphanage and into this apartment. A few months ago we got tickets to the One Direction WWA tour. AND IT'S TOMORROW! AHHHHHH!

   "Guys we should probably go to bed. We have a concert tomorrow!" I squealed. We all went to our own rooms after saying goodnight. I fell asleep thinking about the one and only Harry Styles.




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