Fangirls Be Fast

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    Julie's POV

   I woke up to a huge warm body holding me close to them. There was a blanket over Ashton and I as he slept peacefully. I want to take a picture of him because he looks so cute, but then I would seem like a creep. Then again, he did make a keek of me sleeping. I pulled out my phone from my back pocket without waking him. I quickly snapped a picture and saved it as my lock screen. I tried to move away so I could get up, but he just pulled me closer. Oh well. I looked around to see everyone else pretty much in the same position except for Camryn and Calum who were farther apart.

   "Ashton, Ash, Ashley, Asher, Ashy, Ashlynn, Ashla, Ashland" I poked his cheek as I named off possible nicknames. He groaned and kept his eyes closed.

   "Julie, Jules, Julia, Juliette, Julian, Juliana, Juland, Mrs, All American." he said with his eyes still closed. I giggled at the last one. I tried to wiggle out again but miserably failed.

   "Please stay." Ashton pouted. Well shit I can't say no to that face, or any of his faces.

   "Okay." I mumbled and he held me closer. I heard the door open but thought nothing about it.

   "It's time to get up in the morning. In the morning. Morning!" I turned my head slightly. OH MY GOD MY FRICKEN IDOLS. ONE DIRECTION!

   "We've got McDonald's breakfast for you. No we actually don't have any McDonald's." Liam sang. I'm pretty sure my eyes are no longer in my scull.

   "If you don't get up right now, then we're gonna post this on twitter." They changed the lyrics. One Direction is singing a fetus wake up song while I cuddle with their openers. HOW DOES THIS STUFF HAPPEN?!

   "SO YOU GOT TO GET UP! GET UP GET UP! YEAH YOU GOTTA GET UP GET UP GET UP!" They yelled. Niall came over and grabbed my hands. He lead me off the couch and over to the wall. The rest of the boys walked over to each sleeping figure with a bucket of water. I only now noticed that Zayn is filming this.

   "It's time to get uuupp." They sang the last note then dumped the water on them. I laughed as Ashton sprang up, soaking wet from head to toe. He looked around until he found me then ran over.

   "Hug party!" Ash shouted as he wrapped his large arms around me. Cold cold cold!

   "Ashton get off the poor girl! What's your name love?" Louis asked. Holy shit, he called me love. He called me love.

   "This is Julie. She's my new cuddle buddy since Luke left me!" Ashton explained pointing a finger towards Luke. Oh my god,   Lashton.    Is.    Real.

   "Sorry Ashy." Luke mumbled while giving Alex a side hug. They act like they're dating or something.

   "Hi I'm Camryn, I love you Harry! Oops I mean um.." Camryn scrambled to find an excuse. The One Direction boys laughed.

   "I love you too Camryn." She blushed furiously. I could see Calum clench his fists slightly.

   "So what are you here for anyways, just to dump water on us?!" Calum asked a bit rudely.

   "No, we wanted to make sure you got back to the hotel before all the fans get here."

   "Too late they're already here." Ashton teased poking my cheek.

   "You should be grateful I haven't pounced on you yet Irwin." I warned.

   "You wouldn't do that."

   "Nope, I wouldn't because I already have what I came here for." I stated showing him my lock screen. He laughed.

   "Don't worry I haven't posted it on Instagram...yet."

   "Anyways, Paul wants you guys at the hotel in about 15 minutes." We all nodded and then they left.

   "You can come with us if you want!" Michael suggested. I did want to go, but we probably should leave them alone for awhile.

   "No it's okay, we have stuff to get done at home." Valerie explained. Alex, Camryn, Valerie, and I stood up and walked to the door. The boys followed us.

   "Are you sure?" Luke asked.

   "Yah. You guys have some guy time, or whatever guys do." They all hugged us and said goodbye. I felt sad walking down the hall to go back home. But if we stayed with them for any longer then I would get to attached and not be able to leave at all.

   I pushed the heavy door open and we walked back into the parking lot. Tons of girls were already here waiting for the concert tonight. Everything kind of went in slow motion after that. The fans turned towards us and charged. I was pulled away from my friends and into this big crowd of chaos. Oh shit, Ashton made that keek last night of me.

   "What the f**k were you doing with our Ashton you s**t?! Did you get any pictures, can we see them?! Did you guys have-" Woah I don't even want to know what she said. Haha that's what she said. I didn't really mind all the hate that was coming at me, because I would've been doing the same thing if someone else was in my position.

   "Woah guys, can we calm down for a minute please?" I asked but they didn't hear me and kept screaming.

   "OMG STOP SCREAMING SHE'S TRYING TO TALK!" Some girl in a 1D t-shirt yelled. They got quieter and took a step back. What do I say to distract them?! C'mon Julie think think think.

   "Um LASHTON FOR LIFE!" I yelled then sprinted off. It took them a few seconds before they finally realized that I was running away. I never thought I would be chased through a parking lot by a bunch of fan girls.

   "Come back here!" One of them yelled.

   "No thanks!" I replied. I spotted Alex's car with Camryn outside of it holding the door open. I jumped into the car and she followed slamming the door shut behind her.

   "These bitches better move out of my way. Alex don't go slow for anyone!" Alex shouted stepping on the petal. Luckily no one was in front of us.

   "That was crazy!" Camryn exclaimed.

   "Those girls are fast! I've gotta start going to the gym!" I said. A few minutes later we got home. We all layed on the couch in a big bundle. I pulled out my phone and looked at the 5sos hash tag on Instagram. A bunch of pictures of me and the girls came up.

   Ugh why do they have to be so perfect for the boys?! One girl said in the comments. I laughed slightly. Well at least you know ;)







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