Band Wars

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    Julie's POV

   I hopped out of the shower (almost slipping) and rapped a towel around my body. I dried off and brushed my hair and teeth. Next I put my black skinny jeans on with my I Prefer The Drummer shirt. The bottom had the little 5sos logo on it. Ashton told me to wear something that relates to him or the band. I slipped on my black Toms then ran to the other girls. They all had on similar jeans and 5sos shirts and tank tops.

    -30 Minutes Later-

   We hopped out of Alex's car to be greeted by a bunch of fans.

   "Can I get a picture?" A little girl asked.

   "Of course!" We all knelt down next to her as she snapped the picture.

   "Oh Jenny there you are! Oh thank you for taking a picture with her!" Her mother or maybe sister said as she grabbed Jenny's hand and walked away.

   "I want a picture! Me too!" We tried to take pictures with most of them, but soon got dragged away by bodyguards.

   The inside of the building had a little desk with a pretty lady sitting behind it. The lady lead us down the hallway without a word. She opened the last door to the left. It was a huge white room with a bunch of celebrities girlfriends chatting away. They all had merchandise from their boyfriends bands or movies. A tall girl was standing away from the others reading over some note cards, she must be the interviewer.

   "You must be Valerie, Camryn, Julie, and Alex! The boys have told me so much about you!" Eleanor said as she walked over to us. Yes Eleanor Calder. Two other girls were following behind her. I recognized them as Sofia Smith and Becc Hewitt.

   "And you're Eleanor, Becc, and Sofia! It's so nice to finally meet you." I exclaimed. Sofia had this mean look towards me as if she hated me or something. (I'm sure Sofia is not actually in this in real life but for the sake of the story she is)

   "It's so nice to meet you too! I'm glad we have more girls to hang out with, these boys are getting kind of annoying!" Becc said. We all laughed...except for Sofia.

   "The first time I met 5 Seconds Of Summer was when they were in a prank war with One Direction. It didn't go too well." Eleanor confessed and we laughed again.

   " Lady's if you could all take a seat please! We're about to start!" One of the camera men yelled. We walked over to the floor and sat down. All of the other girls were to my left, and a petite blonde sat to my right.

   "Hey I'm Julie." I introduced myself to the girl.

   "I'm Katie, and this is Sarah." Katie said pointing to the girl with bright red hair next to her.

   "Oh I love the Janoskians!" I said motioning to their Janoskians shirts.

   "They get a little crazy sometimes though!" Sarah admitted, I laughed.

   "Guys I can't believe it! I'm here with a bunch of celebrities girlfriends!" The interviewer exclaimed into the camera. It faced towards us next as we all did a little wave. (A/N there are lots of other girls in the room not just them btw)

   "Alright a BUNCH of you sent in questions for the girls, so let's get started!" I waited impatiently as she pulled out the cards and cleared her throat.

   "This is for all of you, how did you meet?" I listened to all the girls talk about the romantic ways they fell in love. Finally it came to our group.

   "Well you know we just kind of met and knew it was meant to be." Sofia said in a sickeningly sweet voice.

   "Harry introduced me to Louis." Eleanor smiled a genuine smile.

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