Chapter 6: Satisfaction and distraction

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Love which is reflected in pain will always leave scratches in the end.

Somehow we harm ourselves for satisfaction and distraction. 

That's what you are for me Y/N, satisfaction and distraction.

Jungkook POV 

My hands have been shaking all morning. Actually for days. I keep staring at the phone my grandma has given me. I could ask for her number, but this anxiety has been eating me for an exact  5 days straight. 

My reflection is seen on the glass door. She doesn't see me but I see her.

And if I don't go up to her, I'm afraid she'll never see me.

I breathe out so much I end up coughing. Guess I'm a bit too nervous after all.

Come on, Jungkook, here you go.

My feet made a frequent sound on the ground.


I guess I'm walking. My hand pushes the door lightly, which is a surprise to me because for all I know my nerves could cause me to break this damn door.

I get lost in her Y/h/c hair and observe the right side of her face until she walks off.

She walks off?!


Without thinking I end up following her. My feet who've been listening to my brain for years and years already stopped to listen.

It's like my body has its own will.

Part of me is scared because most of the times this happens I end up in a huge pile of blood.

I push several doors open and hide behind the lockers.

My eyes widen.

Her body on the ground unconsciously.

And I didn't do it.

Her breathing is still stable, she must've fainted. 

The mark on her arm says otherwise.

There are more people like me?

She's laying on the ground, and I didn't do it.

She's laying on the ground, and I didn't do

She's laying on the ground, and I didn't

She's laying on the ground, and I 

---There are more people like me---

Jungkook Yandere - My bloody loverWhere stories live. Discover now