The Feeling

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Bakugo and [ f/n ] ended up ignoring each other until they realised the were going to the same destination. UA.

this hot chick is going to try out for UA? Can wait to see what she got. I want her to whimper my name because she couldn't handle the heat and so I know she will beg for my help and I will stomp on her like a bug. That's what she gets going off at me. Moron doesn't know what she is gonna get, but for some reason every time I think of hurting her my head hurts for some STUPID REASON but at least the rest of these weaklings that are competing against me will be crushed. I will destroy every last robot in this dumb simulation. Maybe I'll get to talk to that girl and see what she is bringing to the table.


I see the angry boy is also trying out. Interesting...
I sit next to a boy with messy green hair and freckles. He seems nice. Better make friends so talking to myself doesn't become permanent. "Hey! My name is  [ f/n ] [ l/n ], it's nice to meet you". I bow. " H-ha Hi! M-my name is Deku! Its nice meeting you". He says in a shaky but kind voice with a large smile On his face. This is a relief that there are kind people. Allies.  I can see that deku was just talking to a girl with weird brown fluffy hair. she's super cute but I shouldn't underestimate her because judging by looks tricked me many times.


We all ready our selves before the gate is open for us to enter.


Everyone rushes into the area finding places to take down the robots. All I could hear is crash and bang with some screams in the mix.
I summon a wind warriors spirits and enhance my powers. I knock down 7 robots. Then 8. Then 12. After that I lost count. Around the corner I heard a boy scream angrily as he almost knocked down high pointed robots with powerful explosions he made from his hands. Then After examining him I noticed something off, A robot behind him is about to fall on directly on him! I run as quickly as I can to move him out of the way. As I did I didn't realise that half of my clothes had been torn due to the kind of power I've been using. I didn't even notice. I grab the angry boy and move him from danger but the force of the robot falling pushed us against the floor. I'm pressed roughly against him. My breast and body was moulded across him. I felt everything of his. Everything.

Ugh, my head hurts. Did I fall or something? All I remember is that I was about to destroy those stupid robots. I open my eyes and realise that fine women was pressed against me. Her large breasts against my chest felt amazing. Her body was solid, it was a great feeling holding a perfect girls body with cushions on her chest. I try to move but I can't. As I try I hear a moan from this girl. It was so sexy. Why was she moaning? At that moment I realised she had hardly any fabric covering her self. I could see almost everything. My dick got hard. Why the fuck now if all times. I know she could feel it. I know I could defiantly feel 'her' in this position.

I never felt like this in my life. I thrust and moan lewdly. It feels so good. He feels so good. I want more and I know he wants it too.

Bakugo x Reader LemonWhere stories live. Discover now