Things we love PT.1

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After the incident [ f/n ] got dressed. [ f/n ] and Bakugo walked home together.

This felt nice. I was usually alone most of the time and all the people from my old school resented me. They never asked to walk home with me. I'm happy. I'm happy because I finally have someone that wants to do this with me. I truly don't know Bakugo's intentions but anything is fine with me as along as he doesn't leave me like the others did. As I get lost in thought I feel him grab my hand. He was looking the opposite direction so he wasn't as embarrassed. " it's cold.. so I thought this might warm you up.." he said in a shaky voice. I let out I slight chuckle and move closer so we were touching shoulders.

I might not know [ f/n ] as much as I want to but I feel like I've known her for so long. I hold her hand tighter hoping she never lets go. Hoping this moment will last forever. Me and her talked, laughter and teased each other until  we reached my destination.

"This is me" [ f/n ] said.
"This is me" bakugo said.


We look at each other wide eyed. [f/n] points to the house next to bakugos.


I start laughing. "What are the chances!" I say giggling through the whole sentence. He laughs. His laugh is so nice to hear. It's a laugh that can brighten a room with just that one sound. " I haven't seen you around here before. Did you just move here or something?" Bakugo remarked. " No, I'm just not really an out door person, you know?." I explained. " Well I'm happy that you decided to become an 'outdoor-person' for this time."
I go over and kiss his cheek. " good luck, hope you get in...Katsuki." I say his name in a womanly voice. I smiled as I walked to my fort until I felt a sudden pull. It was him grabbing my hand and pull me towards him.


I grab her waist and lead her to a wall pinning her against it. " Goodnight [ f/n ]" . This feels right. I lift up her chin and tease her with my lips because they were ever so close to mine. I take in the beautiful view. Out of no where she pulls my head to hers and starts to passionately kiss me. I was shocked. She is quite the confident one. I slide my my tongue in her mouth, hers entwined with mine. She releases, a line of hot saliva comes from the opening of our mouths, we are both breathing heavily. I can feel her hot breathing on my face.


That was amazing. His taste is what I recently learned to crave. I'm still out of breathe. I didn't know how much I wanted this till now. I let go of him. "Goodnight Katsuki Bakugo..", "goodnight [f/n]".

I walk inside putting my hand on my chest walking with a large smile on my face all the way into my room. I open my blinds and window to let in fresh air. I take off my shirt and slowly unravel the bandages I used around my chest.

I look around my room for the weights I use to train with. Wait. Oh yeah i think I left them outside! I quickly open my window and jump out to see if my weights are out the front. I see a light from the distance. [ f/n ]'s house.
I see her naked body through the window, I stare as she gets undressed. She is so fricken hot. I can't take it. Just looking at her teases the fuck out of me. I jump over her fence and start climbing to her window. Fuck, this seems creepy but let's see what she thinks.

Bakugo x Reader LemonWhere stories live. Discover now