The Accident PT.1

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I can't do this. Not now anyways, only because I can sense one. A robot. A big one at that. A 0 pointer.. I get ready to move the angry boy away so I can use my quir. I don't want him to get hurt. I continue to use the same wind warrior spirit. As I summon it the angry boy can feel the power resonating from my body. He is completely still. I roughly turn around and sit up on top of him so my back it facing where the robots are coming so that means  I'm sitting on his waist. I aim where I want to release my power and blast the robot that countered us. The robot fell back making it crumble to pieces. I look back to see if the boy is okay and I notice he is beat red. Why is he beat red?

this chick is on my area. Can't she feel it!? And due to her losing most over her clothing my area is almost IN her. "Y-yo, can you get off me", I say. She instantly gets off me and bows " I am so very sorry! Are you injured or hurt?" She says confidently but with a worried tone. " Don't talk to me like I'm a child, I'm fine so shut up. Move, I can't waste time on you. Don't get in my way again and... thank you"  I say in a light voice.

Why is this chick caring about me when she has multiple bruises, I hardly have any. I could hear the sincerity in her voice. Maybe she did care, maybe she was a good person after all what happened before we fought. This makes me want to see who and learn who she is even more.

-After the test finishes-

I'm extremely exhausted, I can hardly breathe. It's exhausting using that spirit. Lucky the Teacher recommended us to use the showers. I'm so hot and sweaty. I really need one after that, I hope I did as great as I know I did. I didn't use all my power but I did the greatest I was aloud to use with the limited power I'm asked to use instead of the deadly spirits, the only problem was that hiccup in my plan. That boy.

I take off my clothes and wrap myself in a towel aimlessly looking for the showers. I could hardly even see the shower signs for male and female, maybe it's because I'm too exhausted and the fog from the hot water exiting the showers made it blurry, so I walk into the first one I see. I remove my towel. I notice there is heavier fog from the hot showers everywhere so it's too hard to see. I sit down and pour hot soapy water over my head. " So much better.. ", I say in a calmed voice. I stand up and walk over to the showers, there are no seperate stalls so I guess we all shower together? I don't mind I guess. I could sense someone is near by. Probably another girl who is having a shower or has just finished. The presence is getting closer. I move towards the presence to check out who it is. Shoot. I still can hardly see. I bump into them. I touch the persons chest and all I noticed is that This is not a female body. This is a males.

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