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I wake up slowly looking over, next to me was [ f/n ] sitting on the bed side, I stare at the most beautifulest girl that I have ever laid eyes on. I can smell the fresh pancakes and orange juice she has in her hands. "Good morning Bakugo." She says in a soft and gental voice. She hands me the small table that has the pancakes and orange juice on them. "Thanks.." I begin to eat viciously, She laughs at me, "hungry?" She say in a sarcastic tone.  She stands up and bends over picking up her shirt and shorts she had on the floor. I begin to realise she only has black silky lace underwear and a apron. Defiantly something I'd like waking up ever morning too.

I grab my clothes but suddenly I feel a pull on my waist shoving me on the bed. Bakugo kisses my neck gently as he moves is hands around my body. I couldn't help but let out a small groan. I grab onto him flipping him over so I'm on top. Teasing him with my lips. " do you want more?" I say seductively. He smirks leaning in to kiss me. I stop him. "Then help me fix up something's, put those big muscles to use." He looks confused but annoyed at the same time. "Go out the window and meet me in shed, it's hard too miss. Your gonna help me throw out some stuff so I can make a proper training area." I say. "Fine..." he smirks " it's a race".

She had a lot of courage telling me what to do, and the thing is I actually did what she said. I just can't say no to her.
I see the shed in the distance so I blast with my quirk to move faster, I land roughly on the floor but enough to balance. I open the enormous shed door, she stands in front of me with a large grin on her face. How the fuck did she even get her that quickly.

"Took your time shortcake" I smile sarcastically. "Go grab the boxes that say memories, weapons and Important on them and burn the rest. Also.. thank you for helping me, I might be a pain at times but I'll make it up too you later, okay?" I say in a sweet voice.
Bakugo gives a small smile my way.

I've been burning multiple boxes for hours and I haven't even found any type of box that she asked for me too get- I suddenly notice a small wooden box that has writing engraved on the top.. 'Memories of [ f/n ]'? I turn around seeing that [ f/n ] was occupied kicking and slashing into a box that says 'Aunties Antiques- FRAGILE'. I laugh slightly. I turn back around and open the box, curious on what's inside. There are pictures of [ f/n ] as a child and her parents. She is adorable. After looking at most of them I come across one that particularly caught my eye. It was me and [ f/n ] when we were children?! We were holding hands as she was kissing my cheek... there is writing at the top.
' Her first love! '.. "We knew each other.. that explains why I felt like I knew her... like we had a connection...". But how, how did I not remember her.

Bakugo x Reader LemonМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя