UA High !

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Bakugo took a shower and got dressed, as you packed his bag with his textbooks because you know he'd be too careless and forget.

You both pick up your bags and start to head out the door. You grapple onto Bakugo and smile at him with love and affection. Bakugo turns away blushing lightly, slightly embarrassed. "Please be good today, okay Kastuki." You say with concern. " He growls then looks at you with angry eyes. "But if any of these nobody's get in my way I will beat them to a pulp." He says angrily. "NAwwww Katsuki, I guess you get no love from me then! " you say teasingly, releasing his arm from your grip. "What if someone falls in love with my sexy body and you lose me?" you say sarcastically. Bakugo stops and yells in anger. "No one is ever taking you away from me!!" He stares at you with a sad face. You pout and grab his hand. "Katsuki, I will never leave your side! Never ever!" You say sternly as Bakugos face becomes less tense. But before he opens his mouth you begin to run. "Unless I beat you to UA!" You start running swiftly with bakugo no where in sight behind you, you pass many surprised students who where also going to UA. You giggle in victory then a huge blast comes from above...Katsuki. You squeal but have confidence in your powers. You summon a wind warrior, you body lightens as you begin to glide on the air, ever so fast. As you look behind yourself and notice bakugo is almost catching up. You look forward and stop to a holt as UA was  almost right in front of you. But before you could alert bakugo that they were here you feel a tight pull on your waist as bakugo grabs you by the waist and pulls you, he stares with a cheeky look as he knows he won. He pecks your forehead gently, " Loser." He says wrapping his arm around my shoulder, walking in.

As we walk in, I begin to take in the large hallways and beautiful scenery. Katsuki didn't seem impressed or fazed. he just didn't really care. After wondering around for sometime we finally found our classroom. 1-A. It held a enormous door, four times our size. Katsuki went in front of me and pushed the door open for me. When I entered the classroom it was completely empty and quiet. The students haven't arrived yet and we are quite early since we used our quirks to get here quicker. Only me and Katsuki in it. Before I could remark on the peaceful silence he grabbed my body and lifted me up and sat me on a desk. "K-Katsuki...Not here..." you whimpered as he kissed your neck. "You made me angry [y/n], you made me think you'd leave me for some prick. That was a very unfortunate decision on your behalf [y/n]." You look away from him, pouting. "And what are you gonna do about it" the though of him doing something to me in somewhere so public, and that someone can walk in at any moment made me feel excited. It made me tremble.. It made me.... Extremely aroused.
He bent down and rolled down your stockings, then removing your panties with his teeth. He blew on your clit making you tremble. "Oh, baby. What am I gonna do with you?" He smirked. He placed his hand on my inner thigh making you want him more and more. But before he did anything he stopped and stood up. "That's all you get, idiot". He smiles at you as he takes a seat at one of the tables and puts his legs up, resting them. You stare at him with an extremely red face, trying to hide the fact that you were excruciating embarrassed. "Moron." You whisper under your breath as you take the seat behind him.
Bakugo begins to laugh hysterically and you join in too. "You fucking idiot" you guys say in unison. "You're so lucky your cute, dumbass" You explain. As you and Katsuki chatted students began to arrive. One of them in glasses was yelling at Katsuki
for having his feet on the desk and some other people were talking and laughing as I watched happily.

A boy sat next to me, he had odd hair and a dreadful burn mark on his eye. I stood up and walked over to him to see if I could start a conversation and maybe get a friend... "Good morning!~ I see that we are desk neighbours now and I wanted to introduce myself before class began! I'm [y/n ] [l/n]" You said sweetly, slightly bending over so you weren't over shadowing him. He looked over awkwardly with a very intense facial expression. "Good morning. Todoroki.. " He says blankly. You put out a hand and smile. "When a friendship begins, a handshake shall be done!" You pronounce weirdly. Todoroki slightly put out his hand but you grab it and shake it softly but firmly. "It was a pleasure meeting you todoroki~ I hope we become best of friends!" You say with a innocent and cute tone.

when [y/n] approached me I felt rather intimidated with her confident aura. But when she spoke it seemed she was just a kind person. A very beautiful, kind person. With a sweet fragrance of blossoms and expensive soap. But all she is, is competition. And nothing else. Perhaps..

As four eyes was blabbering on and on I noticed [y/n] was getting friendly with freak over there. I'm not gonna lie, it really pissed me off. Ever since she talked about someone stealing her I just can't stop thinking about it. And the freak seemed very excited to talk to her too. I don't want to lose her.. but I need to learn to trust her otherwise she will stop loving me.. and her love and attention is the only thing that makes me feel happy lately.. I can't lose her.. Not yet.. her voice is the only thing that makes me happy. But I don't want to make her feel caged. She is a strong and beautiful women with a life that I can't ruin with my shitty needs. I love and trust her so much so I will make her happiness last a lifetime.

"Thank you so much, todoroki! I appreciate the fact that you accept my proposal for a possible friendship ! You and bakugo Katsuki are the only people I know here so far so I hope we become great friends! See you soon." You smile warmly then you turn around and walk over to Katsuki. You hug him from behind and kiss him sweetly. "Being a good boy, are you?" You say dumbly. Bakugo blushes angrily as he turns away. "You're so embarrassing.." bakugo remarks. You laugh loudly, " aww, I love you too" you kiss his cheek again  and return to your seat. Then after you sit down a worn out, tiresome man walks into the classroom. Mr Aizawa.

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