Things we want PT2

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I lay on my bed staring at the high ceiling, the world never seemed this big until now. I never understood those types of things until now. I felt happy. I wasn't alone in the world anymore and maybe Katuski is the reason behind that. There was finally something worth waking up for everyday. I have a feeling I've met him before, probably to long ago to remember. That could be the only explanation on why I feel this way.

I hear a sudden creak from my window. I grab my dads old dagger and prepare myself for the worst. I hide myself next to the window waiting for the intruder, I can't use my powers because I might wreck then house. I don't wanna deal with a dead body either. I need to be careful.
The perso came through my window so suddenly I hardly got a good look at it. I push it down on the ground placing the dagger against their throat. "TELL ME WHY YOUR HERE BEFORE I SLIT YOUR CRIMINAL THROAT—" I pause. "B-bakugo!"

I try to hold in my laughter but I couldn't help it. "What are you doing you idiot! I could have killed you!!" [f/n] nags me. "It's not my fault, alright!" I say half angrily but still laughing at her. "I couldn't help myself, I'm a man after all". I smile at her, she looks at me confused, her eyebrow arches.


"What do you mean-" I look at my window which is wide open and I comes to the realisation that he definatly saw me... and the worst part.. I am still kinda naked on top of him. "Out! Quick before my maid finds us-" I say until the sound of the door creaking open catches my attention. I force Bakugo in my bed then under my sheets  "Quick get under and try to keep close to me" I whisper. He lays between my legs, I covering him with a thick blanket so it doesn't seem noticeable.

"Sorry to intrude Miss [l/n] on your nightly activity's but I thought I heard another voice and came to check on you."
"That is alright Beatrice, I was just laying down- ahhhgg" I groan in pleasure. W-what is that idiot doing! I-is he touching me while I'm trying to get us out of this mess?
"M-miss! Are you alright?"
"Mhughmmm" I try to keep the lewd noises from coming out but how am I able to resist.


I grab her lick her inner thigh gently, moving upwards. She was so firm to touch but yet so smooth. She forced me in this area so why not take advantage of what I was 'forcefully' put in. I start to move my tongue higher and higher until I reached the best part of the meal. Very wet. She tasted delicious, I just couldn't get enough. I roughly moved my tongue in her, her moans only made me want her more, I rubbed her little bud while sucking her dry. Finally I heard the maid leave. Now I can have her all to myself. I fling the blankets off me. When I get up and look at her she had a scy angry look on her face. She is so.. sexy.


My body feels weak but I was angry. So fricken angry. If I was found with a boy, my maids would contact my Aunts and force me to move with those dogs. My aunts resented me and my parents for stealing 'the spotlight'. I could have moved away just because of him. I raise my hand and move it to his face.


What is she doing? Her hand is so soft. I can tell she takes care of her skin. Shit I'm getting distracted. Her face goes from angry too furious. I'm in deep shit aren't I.


I punch Bakugo roughly in the face. "YOU IDIOT!!" I say in a loud whisper.
He laughs. "I couldn't help it! When I want something I take it.." he says as he climbs ontop of me licking every inch of my body. Before I knew it the night has ended but we haven't even begun.

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