Love's Strength

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Ella's POV.

It had been two weeks since Barry had brought Wally back. Just like she had thought, Barry wasn't okay. The only time Ella saw him was at STAR Labs. She tried calling him and talking to him, but he'd just make an excuse of why he couldn't. He seemed so depressed. Everyone noticed. Not just Ella. Iris had tried visiting him, but he didn't want to talk.

At one point Ella found out that he had stayed over at Cisco's apartment for a couple nights without telling anyone. Cisco said that all he did for days was sit on the couch and watch musicals. Learning this information proved to Ella that Barry was extremely sad. Whenever he was upset or depressed he watched musicals. It was something his mother had taught him to do. Ella wanted so badly to be there for him, but he just kept pushing her away. She couldn't understand why.

After work one evening Ella got a call from Iris. Supergirl's two friends had come through the breach and brought the girl of steel with them. She was unconscious.

Ella immediately made her way to the lab. When she got there the team was in the med-lab surrounding Kara. She and Barry glanced at each other, before he looked away. A tall man named John was explaining what had happened.

"An alien prisoner escaped our custody. He did something to her. Put her in some kind of a coma."

Mon-El, Kara's ex-boyfriend went on. "Then he disappeared. We tracked him here and followed."

"Okay, but why would he come to this earth?" Iris asked.

"We believe for you." John looked at Barry.

"Me? Why?" Mon-El shook his head.

"We don't know, but his last words before coming here we about finding the fastest man alive."

"Okay, well clearly we're talking about a breather here. And if there's one thing I can do it's find breathers." Cisco grinned.

They all walked to the main lab. "So what else can you tell us about this guy."

"We don't know. He just materialized out of thin air." John said.

Jut then Cisco pointed to the screen. "You mean like this clown just did?"

They all looked to see a man waiting for Barry in the Speed Lab. He pointed at the camera and smirked.

"I'm gonna go."

"Barry-" Ella started, but was cut short when he raced off.

She sighed in defeat. She knew he shouldn't go in without a plan, but that was his style. Ella saw H.R. talking to Wally and the next thing she knew Wally ran off as well.

"Wally!" Iris called, but just like Barry, he was already gone.

Iris shook her head.
A little bit later Wally sped in the room carrying Barry. He was unconscious now too. Cait put him in the med-lab beside Kara. Ella held Barry's hand, standing beside the bed.

Cait came in soon after with news. "Guys we have a problem. The Speed Force in Barry's cells has been severally depleted as is the Solar Radiation in Kara's body."

"What exactly does that mean?" John asked.

"They're being drained. The guy who did this to them. . .I think he's stealing their powers."

While, Wally, Cisco, Mon-El and John, apparently Martian Man Hunter, went off to stop the Music Meister, Ella stayed with the two heroes. Their vitals were all over the place.

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