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Barry's POV.

When Barry got to STAR Labs he was horrified to find that Killer Frost had been unleashed and was attacking Cisco, Julian and H.R. He tried getting through to Caitlin? But it was no good. In the end Caitlin, or now Killer Frost, disappeared from the lab and was missing.

Barry called Ella, and the West's, and told them what had happened. They all came together and listened to the three men explain what had happened. Caitlin's heart had stopped after her wound had opened, and she had died. Heart broken, Julian, ripped the necklace off of her, hoping that Killer Frosts powers would heal the injury. Her powers did close up the wound, and made Caitlin's heart beat again, but it obviously didn't come without consequences. Killer Frost broke loose.

Cisco was furious at Julian, believing hat they should have just let Caitlin go. She had told them all she would rather die than unleash Killer Frost and possibly lose herself forever. Julian on the other hand was distraught. He believed he ha dot save her, but blamed himself for Killer Frost taking over her body.

After the two left the room to breath, Barry starred straight ahead. He had to end this.

"I'm gonna do this. I'm gonna run to the future."

"Wait what?" Wally asked.

Barry watched as Ella, Joe and Iris turned around to face him.

"You're gonna do this now?" His foster dad asked.


"What about Cait?" Ella asked, before Iris continued.

"Barry, Caitlin is still out there!" 

"I know, but we're running out of time. If I can find my future self I can find out who Savitar is. I can find out how we defeat him. Guys, I can run to the future and be back like I never even left."

Ella bit her lip and looked down.

"I have to end this, before Savitar ruins everyone's lives."

Wally and Barry ran side by side through the pipeline. When they picked up enough speed Wally catapulted Barry through a wormhole and into the future.

Barry came to a halt in an alley. He could hear police sirens in the distance. A breeze blew a news paper at him. He caught it. The paper read: Central City, Picture News 2024.

Before he could process the information two old meta's confronted him. Top and Mirror Master. They had both become stronger. They were also surprised to see the Flash. Apparently they had both 'taken over the town', meaning they were getting away with breaking the law. No one could stop them.

Barry finally got away from them and ran to his apartment. When he got there, he was shocked at what he found. The room was completely torn apart. Things were thrown on the ground, pillows were tossed about, dishes were broken, curtains were ripped in half or lying on the floor. His furniture was completely destroyed, as if someone had physically thrown them or smashed them on the ground. Dust and cob webs scattered the room.

Barry looked around in awe. What had happened?

As he walked across the floor into, what he thought, was his living room, he heard something crack and crunch underneath his feet.

He leaned down and picked up what seemed to be a picture frame. He flipped it over carefully and was immediately startled. It was a picture of him, Iris and Ella. The glass had been shattered and the picture was now slightly warped. They all looked so happy and carefree.

Glancing straight ahead, he noticed something light brown sticking out from under his white curtains that now lay on the floor. Placing the frame down, he walked over and crouched on the ground. Moving the curtains off the object, he realized it was a large book. After he turned it over, and opened it, he realized what it was.

Run To You - Barry Allen/The Flash (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now