🌷Working Together🌷

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It felt like an eternity just the five of us standing here in front of Sister Krone. Emma and Gilda protectively held each other. Norman took a step forward and said, "Don't worry everyone. Everything's fine." he smiled up at Krone.

"We'll hear you out."

Sister Krone stared down t him surprised but a smile quickly appeared on her lips. "That's right. We should cooperate together so we can achieve our goals." she clapped and pointed at us "You all want to escape. I want to become Mom of this House. I want to drag Isabella down from her position as Mom, and seize that position myself"

"Mom's position?" Don asked and Sister smile again.

"Just to clarify those are my true intentions. I also want to break free from this situation." I furrowed my eyebrows and kept my stare on her, not entirely trusting her still.

Talking a step forward I asked "What do you mean by 'This situation'?" to my surprise Krone unbuttoned the first few buttons of her shirt and she had a number on the side of her neck like us. We stared back in surprise and she smiled again.

"Do you know about the management system here?" Krone quickly added and walked around us, "Girls who fulfill certain conditions and live until 12 years old are presented with two paths when they're about to be shipped. To continue and die, or aim to be a Mom."

What kind of world are we really living it?! I look up at her, mind mind filling with the many questions I have but knowing she won't answer all of them. "What are the conditions?"

"Scoring above a certain number and the Mom's recommendation. If you meet these two requirements you can survive without escaping. If you're a girl...But I don't recommend it. You're body will never be able to leave this area."

Krone looked up at the sky and unbuttoned more of her shirt. We all gasped and saw a huge scar on her chest "I-Is that what I think it is?" Krone nodded her head.

"There's a chip inside. If an adult steps one foot outside of the farm, and electrical current will be sent through this and their heart will stop." I scarily stare at the huge scar on her chest.

"At the same time, if something else makes their heart stop, then it acts as a transmitter that notifies the higher ups." This is all scary and worrying. "So..we couldn't kill the adults after all?" Norman asks and Krone smiles wide.

"I can only live inside the farms. That's why I want to live here the best possible life here. As a Mom. Even if it's fake, it's a life for humans." she tells us and buttons back her shirt up. "But to get that, Isabella is in the way. If you all escape, she will be blamed." She smirked at us again and continued. "I won't get in your way. Escape. That will become a benefit for me."

Gilda worriedly asks her "You're not going to ship us out?"

"I won't. Let's cooperate!" She cheers. Lies. Emma, Norman and I glare at her. "Let's work together." she smiles extending her hands so Norman and I could shake it. I hesitate but Norman was about to shake her hand when Emma stepped forward.

"Wait. Let me verify one thing with Sister."

"What is it?"

Emma glares up at the woman, "What's your guarantee that you won't betray us?" Ro that Krone wickedly smiles at her. "You won't trust me?"

"Just answer!"

Krone stands up straight with the same smile on her face, "It's Ray. If Ray tells this to Mom, you can crush me. But if I tell Mom that Ray's been a double agent, I can crush him. That's why neither of us will betray the other. We can't. That's fine, right?" she got down to our level with her hands behind her back and stared at Emma.

🌷Dreamers//The Promised Neverland (Ray x Oc)🌷Where stories live. Discover now