The Ladies Man

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Tara puts on her new Allure K. Shoes by Kasey Edwards the pink and black ones. She then grabs her jacket and a uber picks her up taking her to Torys house.

"You look upset everything ok?" Says the driver.

"Ugh, men these days. I tell you my man is in hot water when I see him put it like that." She said turning her head away looking out the window.

Shortly after she arrives and bangs hard on Torys door.
He slowly gets up looking out the blinds and sees who it is then answers the door.

"Oh great here we go." He says opening the door looking at the expression on her face. She rushes in looking for Shavon.

"Wheres that bitch at?" I know shes here hiding said Tara in anger. Opening doors in every room.Tory looks at her crazy.

"Umm...have you lost your damn mind?" "She ain't here where you get that from?"He said looking very confused and tipsy.

"Boy I just got off the phone with her, don't play me where the tape she talking about?" She said looking around in the bedroom.

"Oh shit" says Tory dropping his drink. He makes his way into the room. **( Readers vote and comment thanks!)**

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