The Ladies Man

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"I don't know what she may of said or did but no one is here seriously, you are tripping". Says Tory shaking his head in disbelief.

"Oh ok, I see what's up! Tara said storming out the door walking down the street as he follows she yells "Two can play this game sick of this shit".

Tory stops and watches her leave just wondering what's going to happen next "fuck!" he says to himself.

"This use to be your pussy just remember that bitch". She said "Oh just wait heated to the max.

Later that day she decides to call Torys cousin, since he been trying to holla at her for min.

"Hello, Says Shawn who is this?" Guess who she says laughing and smiling.

"Oh damn, that's what's up! about time you called." "Let me guess my cuz fucking up he said laughing."

"Yea shit is crazy, his ex is getting on my damn nerves. I told him off but what's good with you are you busy later?". She ask bitting her lip.

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