Peter's Internship

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Peter woke up late and had to rush to get to school in time. He walked into class just as the bell rang and made his way to his seat next to Ned.

Mr. Harrington immediately started talking, " Good morning class! Today I have some very exciting news, we are going to be going on a field trip to Stark Industries!"

Peter groaned while Ned was over the moon about the field trip. When Flash heard the news he couldn't help but smile knowing he could finally catch Peter in his lie about being an intern.

Flash yelled to Peter, "Hey Penis Parker! I bet you can't wait for the trip knowing everyone will know how you have been lying about your 'internship' with Tony Stark'".

Peter was definitely not happy about the trip but, not because of what Flash thinks. Peter does have an internship but he's worried the Avengers are going to embarrass him.

———————— Time Jump————————

Today's the day of the field trip and Peter decided it was best to not tell Mr. Stark or any of the Avengers about his field trip. Peter, along with his class, got onto the bus and headed toward Stark Industries. Peter was nervous the whole way there hoping nothing would go wrong.

 "Peter this is so cool do you think the Avengers will be there?" Ned questioned ecstatically. 

Peter rolled his eyes,  "I know they are in the tower but I hope they are training or hanging out on the Avengers floor. I don't want them to know I'm here because they will most likely try and humiliate me."

Shortly after they arrived at the tower. An intern named Jeff came up to them and gave everyone a visitors pass. Luckily for Peter, he has never seen him before. As soon as Peter got his pass, Flash stole it from him.

 "Oi Penis if you have an internship here can't you just use your own pass?" Flash snickered.

Flash then threw Peter's pass in the trash while Peter had to dig his other pass out of his backpack. Jeff the intern instructed everyone to hold their pass up to the scanner and walk through.

Everyone scanned their passes and walked through and FRIDAY announced everyone by their names followed by their clearance level. Obviously everyone had level 1 clearance and Peter mentally cursed remembering he had level 10 clearance, which is the highest clearance. After Flash walked though he just had to ask Jeff the different levels of clearance right before Peter was about to walk through. Jeff then explained how there is 10 levels with 10 being the highest for the Avengers and Mr. Stark only.

Peter sighed and walked through the scanner and FRIDAY then announced "Peter Parker level 10. Welcome back Peter should I tell boss you're here?"

 "NO!" Peter yelled. 

Then composed himself and mumbled, "No I'm just on a field trip." 

The whole class, including Flash, looked at Peter with shock while Ned just laughed. Jeff was confused but let it go and instructed everyone to follow him. Peter was glad Jeff didn't say anything and quickly pulled his hood up and pretended his wasn't there.

 However, that didn't last very long when he heard some shuffling coming from inside the vents and suddenly Clint popped out scaring everyone except Peter. Clint laughed at everyone and then saw Peter and was confused but didn't say anything and he went back up into the vents. Peter was freaking out knowing Clint was going to tell everyone that he was there.

Jeff was showing them around the labs and since he and Ned have seen everything a billion times they began talking. Ned was asking Peter if he could introduce him to the Avengers when Flash decided to join in.

 "Ha do you actually think Peter interns here?! I mean come on he obviously paid someone to give him that fake badge!" Flash exclaimed.

Peter just ignored Flash and continued talking to Ned. Unbeknownst to Peter, Tony had watched and heard the whole thing from his security cameras and was furious. He then told the rest of the team and together they came up with a plan.

Field Trips to Stark Industries One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now