The Field Trip That Went Horribly Wrong

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Peter was sitting in his chemistry class waiting for the final Bell to ring when Mr. Harrington spoke, "Before you all leave here I have a special announcement to make! Tomorrow we are going on a field trip to..... Stark Industries!"

Everyone in Peters class began cheering with excitement while Peter was wishing for the whole thing to be some kind of joke.


Unfortunately, no matter how hard he pleaded with May to let him stay home, she still forced him to go on this trip. So currently, Peter and Ned were waiting with the rest of the class to board the bus when Flash approached Peter, "Hey Penis I bet you can't wait to see your pal Tony Stark. I know I can't wait to prove to everyone just how fake your internship truly is!"

Peter was about to retaliate when Ned beat him to it, "Back off Flash no one cares about whether or not you think his internship is real or not. Besides the only reason the class even knows about it is because you talk about it all the time so just get lost already."

Peter looked at Ned in amazement for him sticking up for him but, it was cut short when Flash grabbed Peter by his shirt collar, "Listen Penis I don't care what your loser friend here says. I'm going to prove how much of a liar you really are."

And with that he shoved Peter to the ground and walked away. Ned helped him up and the bus arrived and so they quickly boarded. Peter took this as an opportunity to catch up on some sleep as they made there way to the building.

Around 30 minutes later, Ned was nudging him awake and to his horror they had arrived.

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