Oh Sugar Honey Ice Tea Pt. 2

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Y'all I just took one of my finals and honestly I'm a lil sister scared 😂 #prayforme

Tony's mood went from happy to pure anger in a matter of seconds, "What did you just call Peter?!"

Flash gulped, "Oh uh y-you see uh it's a joke¿"

Tony obviously didn't believe him but Peter interrupted before he could respond, "Look Mr.Stark it's fine please let it go."

Tony thought for a moment but reluctantly let it go, "Alright I assume you're Peters class from the reaction I just witnessed, but I am confused at why everyone is surprised to see him here. Didn't he say he interns here?"

Tony looked at Peter who was staring at his feet so Ned took this as his opportunity, "Actually Mr.Stark sir, Peter did tell the class about his internship but not everyone believed him and a certain someone here bullies him about it everyday." Peter shot Ned a glare.

Tony's anger had returned. He looked at Peters class, "Which one of you bullies MY kid?!"

Ned spoke up, "Its Flash who is right over there."

Peter was about to intervene when Tony said, "Save it kid. Also you and I are gonna have a long talk about this later."

Tony walked over to Flash and stared him down, "If I EVER hear about you bullying Peter or even looking at him again, you can kiss any good colleges goodbye understand!"

Flash shook his head up and down violently.

"Now as for the rest of the class that messages goes to you all as well. Now please get out of my tower." Spoke Tony.

And with that he took Peter by the arm and lead him to the elevator to have a nice heart to heart chat about bullying.

They went up to the penthouse and sat on the couch.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you about the bullying Mr.Stark".  said Peter.

"Peter why didn't you come to me when it started." said Tony sincerely. 

"Well in my defense it started way before I met you." Peter said while looking at Tony.

"You could lay that kid out.Why haven't you ever stopped him?" Tony questioned.

"Uhm because I could accidentally kill him or something and besides his torments don't bother me. I'd rather he pick on me then someone who couldn't take it." Peter stated confidently.

"Kid that's very noble of you but no one should ever be bullied and if it ever happens again please tell me." Tony pleaded.

Peter smiled, "Alright I will. Thank you Mr.Stark."

"Good and kid for the millionth time it's Tony. Now how about since we worked on my suit we go work on your suit." Tony said while ruffling Peter's hair.

Peter smiled, "Yes mr.Star- Tony."

And with that they went back down to Tony's lab and worked on Peters suit for the rest of the day,which resulted in Peter accidentally falling asleep on Tony's shoulder. Tony looked down and smiled, he really did view Peter as his kid and hopes Peter will one day view him as a father figure.


Sorry if the ending was a lil cheesy didn't really know how to end it

Also I know these chapters have been a lil sister short so I'll make the next ones longer

Ps thanks for all of the reads I honestly never really expected anyone to actually read this :)

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