Fieldtrip Pt.1

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Well hello there fellow Wattpad users, I have returned! I know I know you are all happy to see me but please you don't need to applaud, well maybe a little 👏🏻 sorry that was cheesy I'll just leave you to reading my story bye.

One more thing, I do believe I promised @Rhamesiam spideypool in my next chapter so here it is! Oh yeah also Wade and Peter are both 17 so it's not weird.

Peter was in his math class reading his all time favorite book, Magnus Chase, (any fellow Magnus Chase readers? Like come on that series was amazing) since he had finished his math work early. However, he sadly was soon interrupted by his teacher, Carter Kane aka Mr.Kane, (wow how many references am I going to make today).

Mr. Kane announced he had some good news, "Alright class I have an amazing surprise to share with you all......WE ARE GOING TO STARK TOWER!"

Peter's class rejoiced while Peter went through two emotions, confusion and annoyance. He was confused because Mr.Stark never mentioned that he was letting his class over for a field trip. Also, he was annoyed because he knew Flash was certainly going to harass him about his so called "fake internship". Nevertheless, he wasn't going to let this ruin his day as he was seeing his boyfriend,Wade, today.

———Wow a time jump (please name me) ———

Peter walked into Stark Tower and immediately made his way up to the penthouse to see Wade. Peter spotted Wade in the kitchen talking to Mr.Stark (yes they don't hate each other I'm cool like that)

Wade spotted Peter first, "Hey babe how was school?"

Mr.Stark smiled mischievously, "Yeah Peter anything happen today? Like oh I don't know, a surprise field trip perhaps?"

Peter stood with his mouth open completely shooketh, "Oh my god Mr.Stark how could you do this to me!! I thought you wouldn't even have known but nooooo you made it happen."

Wade let out a chuckle, "Relax Pete I'll be here tomorrow and I'll make sure Tony doesn't mess with you too much."

Peter shot Mr.Stark an annoyed look and then walked over to the living while motioning for Wade to follow. They sat on the couch and watched season one of Supernatural (hands down the best season) and somewhere during the scarecrow episode Peter fell asleep on Wades lap. Wade smiled down at him and playfully ran his fingers through Peter's hair until Wade fell asleep himself.

Mr. Stark came up from his lab and found the two cuddled up on the couch asleep. He smiled softly and had FRIDAY take a picture and then grabbed a blanket and draped it over the two. He then had FRIDAY set an alarm for Peter so he could get ready for school on time and then Tony went to bed.

——————— Time Skip named Jeff ——————-

Peter and Wade woke up to FRIDAY blaring p!atd, "Alright, Alright Fri I'm awake turn it off."

Peter groggily got off Wade, "Babe go back to sleep. I have to get ready for school but I'll see you later during the trip."

With that Peter placed the blanket back on Wade and went to shower and get ready for school. Pretty soon Peter was dressed, grabbed a banana, and was out the door headed for school.

Peter made his way to his class and met up with his best friend Ned, "Morning Ned."

Ned turned to face Peter, "Hey Peter excited for our trip to basically your house." Ned said with a smirk.

Peter was not amused, "Haha no absolutely not, but Wade will be there so it won't be so bad."

Ned looked surprised, "Why didn't you tell me Wade was back in town? That's great!"

"Sorry Ned I forgot and I would've texted you yesterday but I fell asleep watching tv with Wade." Peter replied.

"Don't worry about it dude. We can all hangout this weekend or something." Said Ned.

Peter smiled, "Yes that would be awesome! I'll ask Wade to make sure."

Just then the buses arrived and Peter and Ned, along with the rest of his class, boarded the buses and made their way to Stark Tower.

Sorry it's not a full chapter but part 2 will be up sometime within the next week!

Word Count: 719

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