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The whole office became silent as they had heard the boss was coming. Although the female was barely an adult her presence intimitated everyone, even the elders and seniors in the company. She had begun working in this office since she had been six years old, starting of as the assistant of the secretary and now seventeen years later she was a successful twenty-three year old running the most successful company of South Korea and even Asia itself. Not a single person had dared say that she was spoiled or that she didn't deserve the job. She had spent most of her life working in a company following every single one of the orders her parents had given her.

The young CEO had also worked almost every small job in the company gradually improving her positions.

Finally the doors of the entrance had opened and in walked a female with long silky black hair with porcelain- like skin. As she walked inside, all the workers bowing down, anyone could clearly identify her perfect posture and the way she held her chin high showing off how confident the young woman truly was. As eyes followed her they saw an elder man approach her, known as Mr.Jeon, her secretary.

"Miss Kwon." The elder replicated the previous workers and bowed down, this time Y/N had bowed down as well. "How is my schedule for today?" Quickly the man grabbed the black folder opening it up as they both proceeded to walk towards the elevator. "You have several meetings today. You are closing up the contract with the Kim's, Jung's and Min's families. You also have to check on the new proposals for the new clothing line this season." The female nodded already familiar with the busy schedules, knowing she will most likely no sleep today.

The elevator had now opened uo revealing workers on it, who immediately bowed down stepping out of it. As Y/N entered the elevator, Mr. Jeon decided to speak up about what had been worried his mind. "Miss Kwon... I didn't particularly intend for this to happen, but unfortunately I will have to trouble you." The young female raised her eyebrow surprised by the elder man's words. "My son will come to the company this afternoon and fill in for the remaining hours I need to work since I have an appointment today." The elder slightly lowered his head knowing how irritated she would get when things were informed to her last minute.

Hearing his words the young CEO had to admit she was irritated, but she was fond of the man so she simply let the occasion go. "That's fine just make sure he arrives at my office on time." As the elevator closed the female heard a faint 'thank you'.


All heads turned as they saw the person enter the room. As she entered she had expected everyone to already be sitting down, as it was a rule to be ten minutes early for a meeting but instead was greeted by an empty chair. She sat down as all the workers glanced at each other already knoing what was going to happen. Five minutes had passed and not a word was said as they had been waiting fo the person. On time, a person came through the door panting and with a board in hand. Every single person had turn to look at the young female which appeared to be an intern already late to a meeting on her first day.

Quietly she had expressed how she had made it just on time, while everyone looked at her in pity. The CEO simply looked at the intern setting up her board before standing up. "Don't bother." Curious whether the words were directed towards her the female intern turn around making Y/N catch a glance at her name tag. "Ms. Yoon is this what you call being on time?" By now she had been standing in front of her making the smaller girl feel intimated by her height and appearance.

"In this company there is a rule that every employee must be ten minutes early for a meeting not enter when the meeting is supposed to start. What you did today was unprofessional. You enter running through that door and looking like a mess. Is that how you present yourself Ms. Yoon? If so then I highly doubt you are capable of being in the position you are now." The petite women's eyes widened hearing her position was in danger. "Its not. I usually don't present myself this way with other workers." Y/N simply chuckled before returning to her emotionless expression.

"Well then you decided that today out of all days was a good day to make yourself an embarrassment? In front of the boss? Its not only that, but you wasted all of our time. We dont have time just to sit around and wait for an intern to show up and make an embarrassment out of herself. We have more important things to do, which you obviously don't understand since you decided to be late." Tears had began forming in the female's eyes while the other one had shown no remorse. "Miss Kwon if I ma-" before the male worker continued Y/N interrupted him. "You may not. This person has to learn that not everyone will tolerate her mistakes, she may have done this before, but not with me. Just like how they treated me and expected me to be professional I expect the exact same efforts and outcomes of my employees." Grabbing the intern's poster she threw it at the guy who had wanted to interfere earlier before turning towards him. "Since you wanted to help her and if you dont want to lose your job fix it and make sure it is done by tomorrow. We will have another meeting and I expect you to present it and be on time."

"I can present it tomorrow and I promise I will be ten minutes early this time." Looks of pity were made towards the girl who was so naive. "There is no tomorrow because i don't give second chances.

You're fired."

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