Broken mind and heart

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Jungkook could feel himself grow furious over her words

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Jungkook could feel himself grow furious over her words. How long was she going to keep on lying? How long would would it take for her to realize that no matter how hard she tried she would never be able to push him away?

None of this would ever make him doubt her. Although she barricaded herself with her emotionless persona, he could see right through her as she was screaming for help. For someone to come save her from all the harm she has been through, but most importantly save her from herself.

He turned to Jaehyun remembering their talk from earlier before signaling him to leave. Reluctantly he complied but not before speaking up his mind. "You know none of us believe your words, and no matter what you say we will always be by your side. Both of us."

Before hearing a single word he stood up, leaving no room for argument between them.

Both young adults could hear the door slam closed signaling the frustration bottled up within the exiting older male. Silence engulfed both of them as she could only take in his words.

He can't be doing this. None of them should. They needed to be far away from her. She couldn't put more people in harms way. Not while she was still being targeted. No matter what, she needed to get far away. Far away from these people who had her trapped in a mindset she knew was way too foolish to believe.

They would leave her eventually. Prolonging it would only cause greater pain for her.

She tried escaping them physically but none of that worked. None of her efforts had pushed them away. She has tried to see the smallest negative things about them and turn them into bigger deceptions in order to not have high expectations for either of them, but even that she knew wouldn't trick her broken mind or heart. The heart which would latch tightly onto any piece of affection or hope for a happier life. Her foolish heart which believed in happy endings. The one which battled her brain causing a greater storm within her that anyone could ever imagine. The one which brought her to the very edge of insanity.

She could feel the other presence getting up beside her silently taking her mug into his hands, making his way into the kitchen.

She had to fight one last time. One last time to protect everyone she cared for. No matter how painful it would be.

Jungkook once more entered the living room, as the female immediately stood up before him, staring up at him, directly into his eyes.

"I killed them. Both you and Jaehyun need to understand that. You both need to leave."

Ignoring her words completely he walk passed her making his way to the staircase leading to the bedrooms.

Y/N knew none of her words were heard.

One last time...

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