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"What agreement?" Both young adults grew startled by a third person's voice. As Y/N had turned she came to face Jinwoo's smirk. "Are you telling me that the engagement you faked a week ago was just an agreement? What did you promise him? Money?" As he talked the older male approached the younger. "Power? Luxury clothes?" The female in the room noticed that the younger was getting uncomfortable and was beginning to feel humiliated by the older's words.

As Jiwoon was about to tower and corner the young assistant, Y/N spoke up catching both of their attention. "Why?" The arrogant male turned towards her confused on why she was asking this question.

"Are you jealous that he can have luxuries that you can never afford? Are you jealous that once we get married he will be the one who will share my family's wealth? Let's be honest with each other of the true reason why you are so angry that I'm already engaged." This time it was the older one that was cornered against the wall as the female had walked towards him, while Jungkook had taken the chance to escape. "You are not interested in getting married with me because you like me. The only reason you want to marry me is because your family is in debt and going bankrupt."

Jiwoon's eyes had widened at how she knew all these things. "Y-you have n-no proof of what you are s-saying!" Y/n smirked at how his voice began to stutter and how he avoided her gaze. "Wanna bet?" Jiwoon stormed off but before he could exit, the young CEO spoke up once more. "If you don't want me to tell any of this to my parents, cancel the wedding before they find out your parents true intentions."

She glanced over and saw how he had fisted his hand, his knuckles becoming white. Irritated, she was about to leave when she remembered that there was a third person that had witnessed what had happened. "Come to my office."

Before they entered the older one made some coffee for the both of them, unfortunately she knew she had a lot of explaining to do. As she entered she saw the male standing in the middle of the office with his head down looking uncomfortable. "Take a seat." Noticing her cold tone Jungkook immediately complied to her order. "I'm sorry for what you had to witness knowing it was most likely unpleasant." The assistant looked up finally noticing how tired his boss had actually looked. He noticed her half-closed eyes, the small eye bags beginning to form, and how her voice sounded exhausted.

He always noticed how she had stayed back every single day as he was leaving and how most of the time she would always be sitting on her desk when he had returned. He also knew how his actions had also come to contribute to her exhaustion as he had not alway try to get along with her. Yes, he resented her for the first few hours when he found out of the agreement, but later when he had thought about it he knew she was only doing what Mr.Jeon wanted. She was even going to allow him to visit his father at least two times a month and know how the treatment was going.

Y/N cleared her throat realising he had been zoned out as she was talking to him. As she saw he looked up she was about to continue talking but instead he had began talking. "I'm sorry for they way I acted I was just frustrated that my dad was going to move away, while I had to stay here and become your assistant." Saying she was shocked was and understatement. With the way he had acts towards her, she had thought that she would never be friendly towards her even less apologize. Even though she knew that he would never agree to what she would say next she would at least try. Disregarding what he had said she spoke up.

"I have a proposal for you." She looked at his reaction before continuing. "Get engaged with me." At that exact time the boy was taking a sip from the mug and as he heard those words he had spit out the coffee. Unfortunately the drink had landed on the female's shirt, making it the second time coffee had gotten spilled on her that day. Immediately the boy got up and walked around the desk, approaching his boss. Unconsciously he was about to touch the stain on her chest when he realised where his hands where about to touch.

Observing him Y/n smirked at his blushing and flustered state as he walked back to his chair, but before he could walk any further he grabbed his wrist and pulled him towarfs her. As their faces was near she could see his pink blushing cheeks, which made her somehow feel superior. She would be lying to herself if she said she didn't like the feeling. Perhaps she had found a new hobby. Knowing how the situation was going she decided to tease him. She grabbed one of his cheeks caressing it before looking into his eyes. Her face also got closer and she saw his eyes close as a respond, but just as she was about to kiss him she instead whispered against his lips. "Go back to your seat baby."

Hearing the name out of her lips, Jungkook's eyes immediately widened. If he was simply blushing before, now he felt as if his whole enture face was boiling. Knowing she could hear his rapid heartbeat he got up and walked to where he previously was.

"Going back to what I was saying. Get engaged with me but before you spit out anymore coffee listen to me. As you saw I am arranged in a marriage with that snobby and overconfident rat. With this fake engagement I could cancel that arrangement, but of course it will not only benefit me. You will no longer have to be my assistant and you could visit your father more often." She could see hesitation in the boy's yet he still decided to speak up. "No."

Already expecting that answer she was about to offer more but got interrupted by the younger once more. " I will do it without having to quit being your assistant. You already did so much for me and my father while I feel like we did nothing in return. I will become your fiance without having to stop working." Although she was greatly surprised she only nodded. "Do we have to pretend to be a couple in front of your parents and him?"

"Why? Do you want to become a real one?" At the thought of them actually being engaged Jungkook was again became flustered, while Y/N smirked. "Kidding. But no, not just in front of them we would have to pretend in front of everyone except when we are alone. " The younger nodded understanding the situation wasn't as easy as it seemed.

"There is one more thing though..

You have to move in with me."

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