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Jaehyun could feel something was off. It was as if something had told him to go back to the mansion where his cousin stayed at.

Entering the gate he saw a figure walking towards the entrance of the home. A rather familiar silhouette.

Silently he exited his car, walking towards the person before tackling them to the ground. Swiftly he trapped the human grabbing him by the collar. "Who the hell are you?!"

"Relax it's just me."

Hearing the voice and looking at the male beneath him his eyes immediately widened. "Why are you here?" Confused the younger male replied the older's question. "I live here, remember?"

Slowly Jaehyun got off him confusion filling his mind.

How was he here? Wasn't he supposed to be kidnapped? Did they not take him? Why was Jungkook standing right in front of him when he had supposedly gone missing?

"Where were you?"

"I left the house in the afternoon in order to surprise Y/N with dinner, but as I wanted to come back at six o'clock the car broke down an elder couple approached me asking for help and only now could I leave."

"You were never harmed? Never did they take you?"

Puzzled, Jungkook simply shook his head.

They had never taken him, but if all this was true, why was there blood and broken items all over the mansion? Why did they make it seem like someone had been kidnapp-

A trap.

It was all a trap.

They never took Jungkook, but only used him as a bait in order to achieve something. Or maybe someone...


Where was she?

Immediately Jaehyun stood up running towards the entrance of the home before beginning to bang the door yelling for his younger cousin.

Close behind him Jungkook caught up, surprised by all of the older male's actions.

"What is going on?"

Turning to him the male simply grabbed him harshly before putting him in front of the door.

"Open the door."

Although still confused the younger did as instructed, afterwards being moved out of the way by the other male present.

Knowing something was wrong the family member searched the whole house for the female while the younger did the same seeing how she was indeed not present. Entering her room Jaehyun could see the doll and the paper placed on his cousin's bed. Reaching for the items, he read the words inscribed on the note before letting them fall.


They got her.

They had her right where they wanted,but just where exactly was this place?

Where would they send her to torture her?

To torture...


Looking further away she noticed a figure she had forgotten had been present with them.

Don't worry love. You will be set free. All of this is going to end in order for you to have a happy ending. With someone else. With someone who can actually give you a happy life, not one of torture and misery.

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